Tour Like an Egyptian

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Over the next couple days Severus theorized with the goblins about how best to solve this ...


Eileen frowned when she saw Harry nervously peeking into the potion lab where Severus has been working. The young boy was trying to respect the main rule, which was to stay out of the lab, but he couldn't sit still. It was a distraction for Severus, who was desperately working in his lab to find something to safely remove the horcrux, and it wasn't healthy for Harry, who has been anxious and stressed the last couple days. This wasn't good for either of them so she decided to help out.

The old witch went over and gently placed her hand on the boy's shoulder, "Come on. I wanted to check in on my gallery. I'd love for you to see it. Severus mentioned your clothes could use an update so we could do that too if you want."

Harry turned to her looking excited about the idea, "Can we- ..." He suddenly looked worried. "Wouldn't you get in trouble if you were seen, grandma?"

Eileen chuckled and patted his head, "Gringotts wanted me to stay out of magical Britain, not the entirety of the magical world. In fact, my gallery is in Egypt, I occasionally shop in Africa, I volunteer in Australia and pop in as a guest teacher in magical schools in... oh my ... I think it's 50 different countries at this point!" She exclaimed in shock.

The green eyes widened in a mix of surprise and excitement, "There's that many more schools that teach magic?"

"Even more!" Eileen exclaimed with a laugh. "200 if I recall correctly. Severus and Lily actually took a class while I was guest speaking in a magical school in Africa. They teach casting magic, but without wands. That's why you rarely see Severus use a wand outside of Hogwarts." She said,wondering if her son will stop using a wand altogether once Dumbledore is out of the picture."Oh right. What were you going to ask a minute ago?"

Harry blinked in confusion before he suddenly remembered what he wanted to do, "I read the book on the Volel family and I hoped we could try and find the things that were stolen."

"Ah! I do know Severus had a ledger of the things that were taken in the library." Eileen said and led Harry to the library.

The young wizard eagerly looked ahead trying to predict where the file was. While Harry was expecting to be led to a bookshelf that's not what happened. His grandmother went to a table and tapped on it. Yet again he was shocked to see painted vines grow out from the underside of the table.

The vines made a circle in the center and a hidden round shelf rose up from the circle. This shelf had several files neatly arranged in a box. With great care Eileen pulled out one particular green file and looked at the documents inside.

"Here it is." Eileen said as she pulled out a sheet of paper. "The blood vault couldn't be touched so these are all the things that were in the main vault. Mostly gems, gold and small trinkets ... Oh! A totem too."

Gringotts was very thorough with the information they provided. The list of things had pictures, history and other details for each entry. This was the case for the gold as well because there were apparently multiple different types of galleons with different markings in the collection.

The totem in question had all its details under a picture, except for an origin and anything on its abilities. In the picture provided the totem was shown to be a small wooden statue of a tree with all the leaves being emeralds and three, hard to see, little monkeys were hiding behind the sparkling greenery. According to the summary, it was called a golem statue, and it was pretty cute.

"Is it possible to find any of these?" Harry asked, hoping that he could help in some way.

Eileen smiled and used a spell to make a copy of the list, "if any of these things are still in Britain then Gringotts would've found them. The fact that they haven't means they were sold and is now hidden in a privately owned vault somewhere or slipped out of the country through a black market auction. It won't hurt to look around the antique shops." She said cheerfully, avoiding the fact that it was highly unlikely that any of the items would be found after so long. Her grandson had to keep his spirits up.

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