Lily's Story

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"Where is little Harry?! I must give my grandbaby a hug!" A woman's voice exclaimed excitedly ...


Severus saw Harry run off towards the voice and sighed, "Don't run!" He saw Harry turn right when leaving through the closest open door that Harry assumed Severus came through. "Wrong direction!" Severus couldn't help but laugh when Harry zipped past the doorway to go the right direction.

The potion master headed in the same direction at a calmer pace. When he stopped near the kitchen he found Harry. Shy green eyes looked up at him and Severus knew, despite being so excited a second ago, Harry was a bit too nervous to enter the kitchen. With a gentle hand on Harry's shoulder he walked into the kitchen with Harry.

Severus smiled at the woman who was hanging up her coat, "It's good to see you, mother. You arrived right on time."

The witch with graying dark hair turned and happily hugged Severus, "I missed you so much! I came the second I got your letter. Where is Harry?" She asked excitedly and her smile turned softer when she spotted the slightly timid boy peeking at her from behind Severus. "Hello, Harry. I'm Eileen Prince. You've grown so much since I last met you."

Harry nervously stepped over to her and was a bit surprised when the woman gently hugged him, "You're really my grandma?"

The woman, who was wearing a colorful kimono of all things, glanced at Severus. That one exchange of looks told her everything she needed to know. Nothing has been explained yet.

"Well if hairs are going to be split over this I'm only technically your grandmother because Lily was blood adopted by me and Severus was blood adopted by Lily's father. You were already born and we couldn't ethically change your blood, but the goblins consider me your legal grandmother." Eileen chuckled and steered Harry towards the smell of tasty food. "Everything can get a little complicated once you toss in blood adoption. It's not something that should be talked about on an empty belly." She commented cheerfully and was happy to see that the boy didn't seem disheartened by them not being blood related.

The pair of Princes guided the boy to the food covered table and let him sit. At the end of the cozy table was a pile of books that must be the ones Severus said would help explain things. Harry's eyes widened at the opportunity of getting to hear the whole story and at the sight of the scrumptious selection of food. In some way it was better than what the selection at Hogwarts had.

Granted, there wasn't a massive amount of food. There was a very good amount for three or four people. Now the best part was what foods were present and it was nearly all of Harry's favorites plus some interesting new things he might like to try.

Severus smiled as he gave Harry a cup, "Which drink would you like? Milk, juice or ..." He checked the label of the package his mother gave him as she made her plate. "Green tea."

A flash of curiosity went through the green eyes, "Green tea, please."

The potion master brewed the tea and poured it for the three of them, "Another successful trip, it seems."

"Yes! Traveling is so fun!" Eileen exclaimed, but her cheer was dampened to the point where she only had a sad smile and the change was because of a specific set of books that were placed on the table. "At least, start eating first." She chided, knowing her son was preparing to put Harry's questions to rest.

"Yes, of course." Severus said fondly and swiftly made a plate for himself. After everyone had a few bites Severus glanced at Harry. "Is there a question you wanted to ask before we explain the bulk of the story?"

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