Writiting101: Getting Started

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Before we go into a deep dive into how to write, we need to go over the basics and tips to get you started on your writing journey

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Before we go into a deep dive into how to write, we need to go over the basics and tips to get you started on your writing journey. 

1. Set Writing Goals
This can be hard, but it can be done. Like anything in life, goals will help you set schedules on publishing dates or when you write chapters or even your first outline. 

I set goals, and yes, sometimes I failed. However, it doesn't mean you are not physically working on your stories. You could put a lot of effort into one chapter for hours, but that's okay. It's not a race.  

2. Write In The Morning

Okay, this one is difficult for any writer on Wattpad. I can't speak for everyone and the Best-Selling Authors but I feel most of us writers have this obstacle to overcome or can't do because of other commitments. 

There are ways or new settings to make it a habit in the morning. Here are some examples:
 -If you are in school, write in your free time, study hall, lunch, or recess.
-on the weekends
-coffee shop

The list goes on and on.

3. Write Daily 
This is pretty simple, but writing daily can help you be creative while helping you develop your skills in writing. It could help with inspiration. 

4. Get Inspired By Research
Before you begin writing, do some observation reading. Take notes as you read up on your subject material. Ideas will form as you research.

However, once you continue writing your story, It will not be wise to stop doing research. Always know your topic regardless of where you are at in the writing process.

5. Always Carry A Notebook And Pen

Like Write Daily, this one is pretty simple. Keeping something that you can write your ideas on will help you go back to look at it to see what can go into a story. 

6. Experiment With Writing Prompts
  This is a great way to get into writing. I have seen writing contests do this.

It helps you as a writer to experiment with something new! Try it!

Now you know the basics! Let's talk about the Big Idea you have, shall we?

Now you know the basics! Let's talk about the Big Idea you have, shall we?

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