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   The morning came quickly. Or what at least felt like morning due to the lack of sunlight in the wine seller both you and Sigma ended up in the night before. He had woken up a while ago due to the uncomfortable floor beneath him and had decided to stand up. You, however, lay soundly asleep with your head back against the wall. To be completely honest, this was probably the most amount of sleep that you had gotten since you left work. Usually, you'd toss and turn until you adventually just gave up entirely.
   Sigma paced the floor, uncertain on what he should do. He was stuck in T he debate of waking you up, or leaving to show everyone he was alright. He had guessed that some rumors would've spread around last night once the both of you disappeared.
    He glanced down at you, his features tight with worry. He just didn't know what to do. And that worried him deeply. Finally, he decided to wake you up. Softly, Sigma made his way over to you. He crouched down beside you, gently shaking you as him mumbled your name.
    "Y/N? Y/N it's morning" you stirred some, which brought his hopes up only to be crushed as you turned your head away. He sighed, lowering his head with defeat. There was only one thing he knew that could probably wake you up. Sigma leaned forward, running his fingers through your hair as he placed a soft kiss on your forehead. You immediately opened your eyes, glancing up at Sigma, who had already pulled away. Heat rose to Sigma's cheeks, and he quickly turned away, burying his face in his hands.

   "I can't believe I just did that" He whispered to himself, his voice cracking as he rubbed his temples. You glanced around the room, unsure where you were. You then relaxed as memories from the night before came flooding back. Sighing, you peered over at Sigma with concern. He was still in a crouched position, his face buried in his hands.

   "Sigma?" You asked quietly, glancing at him with concern. Sigma peered over his shoulder, a nervous smile spreading across his lips.

   "Ah, you're awake" he said, forcing down the wimper in his voice. Sigma quickly stood, holding his hand out for you to take.

    "Let's go shall we? Before the whole military comes looking for us" You nodded slowly, taking his hand. Once he pulled you up and onto your feet. He quickly let go of your hand, his gaze drifting away from yours. His cheeks flushed a light pink as you watched him with curiosity.

    "Is everything okay? You seem more anxious than usual-" You began but was cut off when a loud sound made you jump. Sigma flinched, immediately reaching down to grab the key to the seller. Something was definitely wrong, Sigma was never this clumsy.

     "Sigma? Are you sure you're okay?" The male nodded, a crooked smile spreading across his lips.

      "I'm okay!" That, was definitely not true.

Our boy Sigma is so precious <3 he gets so nervous, lol. This chapter was kinda short so- the next one I'll try making it a little longer ^^

 This chapter was kinda short so- the next one I'll try making it a little longer ^^

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