Chapter 22

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kyungsoo angrily scribbled down onto his paper as the teacher was sitting on her desk in the front, slim glasses resting over her nosebridge, every now and then she'd reach up to adjust it from having slipped, she was writting into her own little notebook while the rest of the class silently did their assigned exercises,
everyone but him. 

he frowned hard, one hand balled to a fist which he leaned his head on as he looked down onto the words on his paper as if they were his greatest enemy, he never admitted it but he wasnt great in reading to begin with, seeing unique or rarely used terms were confusing.

He never heard of some of these words and the sentences were long most of the times, which he wasnt used to. never had he actually read a text before and he knew whenever he read, it still took him longer than anyone else he shared the class with, by the time he'd reached the end of a sentence or a text he would be left not knowing what he'd just read.

Kyungsoo learned how to read and write when he was locked up at the black market, stuck in a cage with an elderly couple and waiting to be sold. but he only learned the basics meaning the abc and a few easy sentences, his writing wasnt the best looking, it was wobbly and the pressure he put on the pen often irritated the paper he wrote on, leaving little rips of holes behind not to mention the many mistakes he made in confusing letters or not adding ones that were suppose to be added while he wrote as slow as he read, unsure and shaky. it was infuriating the least.

he groaned loudly, crossing out the uneven writting he caused and ripping the paper in the process. Everyone turned to look at him surprisded and the teacher looked up from her notebook startled but he only crumpled up the paper and threw it to the ground to get another one
" kyungsoo ? is there a problem ?"

" shut up I'm trying to get this done !"he cursed holding his paper down and she straightened herself on her seat, blinking at him. even amongst the teachers kyungsoo had earned himself a reputation of disrespect and violence.
some teachers even feared to teach a class he was in while others grew sympathy and saw it as a challenge. Sojoon had eventually explained his circumstances and it gave certain teachers the courage to step up and take the classes the others would avoid or even drop.
she was one of them. 

she stood up, putting her glasses down and the click clacking of her heels echoed through the classroom as she walked over to this table
" can I see what you wrote ?"

he didnt answer, angrily looking over the assignment again so she reached for the paper on the ground and opened it to glance over what little she could read, her eyes focused in thought before she looked up to see other students watching, partially Expecting a scolding. Unobviously she glanced down and saw the unsteady hand of the omega slowly writting words messily over the line while he bit onto both his lips in concentration.

she stayed silent, keeping the paper in hand for now as she headed back to her own desk and looked over it further, now and then she'd glance up to see the boys angry expression and some students glancing over to him amused.

its been 2 weeks since kyungsoo started going to tuiton. Jongin would drive the omega early before their classes to attend the extra clssses while he'd go somehwere else himself to wait until actual class started.
he did this silently, no words other than the necessary where ever exchanged.

Kyungsoo figured the beta must be mad that he was forced to do this but it was difficult reading his expression because he'd always acted rather cold or mad without that being the case. Not that he particulary cared but he remembered that one day jay had taken over the role to drive him to tuition and he'd asked himself if alpha sojoon would forgive him if he ripped jays tongue out.

It made him appreciate jongins silence ever since. It gave him the peace he didnt think he'd needed just to think on where he stood and what he should be doing becaude he wished he didnt care, but he did. Soecifically about what his alpha wanted and thought and he wanted to make him be satisfied with his behavoir so he tried not to hurt anyone anymore and he tried not to speak every thought he had on irritating or useless people, instead he attemped to actually give it a shot and he listened in class and took notes on things everyone else took notes on. He imagined finding it difficult to do so but he never thought he would be this bad at it. And being bad at something was never something he'd liked to stomach. 

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