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Warnings :
heavy Angst and depictions of:

- abuse (emotional/sexual/physical)

- violence/gore is detailed at times

- trauma (implied PTSD, C-PTSD, ASD, adjustment and dissociative disorder !not DID!) *

- slavery and human(werewolf) trafficking

- implied sexism (omega/beta/alpha)

If you are still suffering from trauma or are triggered by the topics listed above I dont recommend reading this book. 

if you are expecting smut and kaisoo in the first few chapters, this may also not be for you. its a slow-burn that follows the enemies to lovers trope.

important context:

obviously its fictional and about werewolves so it can seem silly and overexaggerated but I am actually personally familiar with some of the topics listed and certain parts in this book are based on real events. 

I am currently studying psychology so I might leave little nuggets of information common ppl may not know or I have personally experienced being misunderstood but I can in no way speak for everyone when it comes to explaining trauma and overcoming it.

any mocking, victim blaming or kinky comments will be removed. 

that being said, I wrote this book as a way to sort of pour it out, it can get brutal and dark at times but really its suppose to be a comfort book to me and I have thrown in moments and turns to lighten the mood because on the long run I am intending to build a hopeful/feel good story so dont shy away from expressing thoughts or criticism.

another warning aswell: english isnt my first language and I do not beta read my chapters so there can be lots of mistakes, if there are any questions/confusion also dont shy away from asking and I'll do my vest to correct it.

Thank youu and now enjoyyy💕 

1st nuggets of information: (this is not important to know in detail for the story)

caused by a single traumatic experience. 
- severe distress
- anxiety
- flashback
- nightmares
- panic
- oubursts
- difficulty in concentrating.
(often ty anything to avoid triggering situations.)

CPTSD (Complex-Post-Traumatic-stress-Disorder)
caused by repeated/long lasting trauma & has the same symptomes as PTSD plus difficulty
- in regulating emotions
- in building trust
- & in several cases enduring physical touch.

ASD (Acute Stress Disorder)
short-termed and occurs not long after a traumatic experience.
- intense fear
- feeling of helplessness
- reccuring flashbacks.

Dissociative Disorder:
Caused by a or several traumatic experiences
obstruction of
- memory
- perception
- sometimes identity 

(there are several forms, DID/split-personality disorder is the most common known and sadly, cause of movies and stereotypes, most misunderstood one but I wont really dive into that because none of my characters suffers from it. If u are curious about the truth anyway: 

DID (Dissociative-Identity-Disorder):
its a disorder caused through repetitive and severe trauma at early age.
The mind basically goes into survival mode and creatives a System with several alters "the personalities" to cope.
Thats why most people suffering from DID will have an alter who'll take on the protector position and come forward "switch to" in distressing situations.

In movies its implied these people are dangerous and have "beast alters" like in the movie split. But in reality these people are just survivors, who try to live their lives despite added challenges. Obviously I cant say they're all like that but mostly from what I've seen these people are more anxious and held back if anything because they fear judgement and being hurt again.) 

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