Chapter 39: Craving him

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Ik updates are slow and nobody cares about excuses but I literally corrected this chapter so many times cause wattpad never saved the changes so I'm done and only briefly checked it over now. (Aka if something is confusing af or weird dont hesotate to comment and ask lmao)

thank you for being patient and not threatening to murder me anymore
(Tho that might be cause wattpad removed the pm option for some of y'all to even try again HAHA)


Shimme shimme recabop:

- ks and jennie got busted during training
- fieldtrip time
- ks and jg eyefucking in tent and at the waterfalls
- ks disturbed studnets with one of his stories
- pimple /hoosa is an omega girl who doubted his story and annoyed him during the hike
- they fell behind and got attacked and whooped into earths buttcrack
- ks is heavily injured but tried to climb out and save the both of them
- after failing he briefly calls jongins name
- jg heard him cause he searched ks heartbeat after realizing he was missing
- both jay and chanyeom agreed to stay behind to keep an eye on the twins.
- it got dark and the full moon came out
- jg arrived to find ks being the usual stubborn dumbass
- ks drops further and jg jumps after to protect the 2 omegas from bears
- currently they're wondering around the caves to find a way out but hit a dead end.


"what ?" Hoosa mumbled, fidgeting with the sticks over leaves in a desperate attempt of starting a fire while kyungsoo at on the side and snickered at her failure
"have you never made a fire before?"

She exhaled, leaning back in defeat as she looked to him "no, obviously I never needed to"

" well you do now dont you ?"
He rested his head back while glancing at her, hand up to cling to his side. The pain hadnt fully returned yet but it was still aching and pounding underneath the bandages, making them feel uncomfortable tight.

her hands angrily picked at the sticks " you know there's a saying that goes if you have nothing nice to say, then maybe just you know dont say anything

" how about if you cant survive then maybe just you know dont"  

hoosa blinked at him then, eyes twisting little in both irritation but also offense and for a moment he considered regretting his words as she had turned back to her planned fireplace. he could tell by the way her back was no longer straight but hunched over instead that she had been sad and it made him eye her strictly and somewhat uncomfortbale, it wasnt that he pitied her and her uselessness it was more so that he didnt intend to make this any more troublesome than it already was being stuck here as he glanced over to the exit of the cavern where the path they had came from started. 

" I mean" hoosa started just when he had been wondering if she was about to cry  aswell "you saved me and jongin saved you though?" her stick rose to be pointed at him and he frowned and straightened. Holding his side in thought while glancing over her, this time making her uncomfortable in the process.

She visibly must be conteplating on taking it back or apologizing but he wasnt mad by her words. He knew she was right and though he didnt want to admit it verbally, he didnt feel like denying it either and though she'd sounded unsure, her lips were smirking a little. Maybe she wasnt as whimpy as he thought she was. 

He reached into his boot and she leaned away, staring at him nervously as he had pulled his knife out but He only pointed toward one of her sticks with it, silently signing her to hand it over.

She did as she was signed to and hesitantly reached it out, watching the omega grimace as he leaned over to take and then stab his knife into it.

He carved a line along the length of the wood before rolling it back over to her and motioning for the other branch still in her hand.

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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