Chapter 2

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Next Morning

Leah's POV

I woke up again to the sound of my phone ringing this time - not my alarm. I grabbed my phone and answered the call without even checking who was calling.

Leah: Hello?..

Shira: Babe you awake or you sleep talking again?

Leah: I'm awake.

Shira: Oh thank God. Well I called you to wake you up because I know that 'broken' alarm of yours in no good. And, to let you know that I won't be in school today.

Leah: What? WHY?

Shira: Mom wants to take me with her to this wedding food tasting thingy. You know how she's remarrying already..

Leah: Right.. Well have fun eating food while I die at school without you. 

Shira: I'll slip in some food and bring some on the way to yours babe don't worry.

Leah: Thanks, love ya.

Shira: Love ya too babes.

ARGH! School is gonna suck even more today. Now I just don't wanna get out of bed.. Ah f*ck it, I'll go since I'm now fully awake.


After showering, I walked into my walk-in wardrobe and grabbed a pair of black Levi's jeans, a black Stussy sweater and my Dr Marten buckle boots. Topped up with a black cap and my G-shock watch. Full black is the best.


After sadly finishing off my breakfast, I cleaned up a bit since I was early for the first time in my life. After finishing up, I grabbed my bag and car keys before opening the door and- what the.. am I dreaming? Yeah.. I think I am.. today is too unrealistic for it to be true. I woke up early, I cleaned up and now.. 

He stood there staring at me like we were both frozen ice just staring at each other. Accept I was probably the melting ice. 

"Uh.." I opened my mouth and that's all that could come out. I couldn't speak. I couldn't even function my brain properly let alone speaking. I didn't even think any of this was real. Is it? I'm staring at the Jeon Jungkook. This can't be real. I'm dreaming. Of course I'm dreaming.

"Are you real?" I asked him, without even thinking.

I saw him gulp. He moved. He just moved. Is this real?!

"Yeah.." He spoke.

"F*ck.. my.. life.." I blurted out. 

This is real. Jungkook is standing right in front of me. He's real. I'm f*cking freaking out in the most silent way possible.

"You're Jungkook?" I asked him.

Leah stop asking him questions and embarrassing yourself. 

"Yes.. you must be our neighbour?" He said sticking his hand out for a hand shake.

I stared at his hand. Those veiny big hands.. STOP! Leah stop freaking out and act normal.. As impossible and crazy it sounds.. don't freak out. Act normal. 

I reached my hand out and just when the tip of my finger touched his I quickly backed off and ran towards the stairs not even thinking to take the elevator. I ran and ran like a mad person until I stopped to take a deep breath. 

That was Jungkook. Jungkook was outside my apartment. Wait.. Are they living next door? Were all of them next door?! Ok focus Leah. BTS in London... And next door to my apartment... And I spoke to Jungkook. F*ck it, this is way too much to handle, I'm f*cking freaking out! 

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