Yoongi's POVHow am I meant to live..
I've been in my room for the past 3 days.. just writing lyrics over lyrics. I've had enough of writing but is there something else I could think of doing? No. My only and first love left me without even saying goodbye. I have no one but my paper, pen, thoughts, and a heart that's broken into tiny pieces.
Jungkook's POV
How could she do this.. How could she just leave us like that?! I can't believe this.. I could've stopped her. I could've stopped her.. but now she's gone. Why?! She told me she would stay by my side.. but she didn't.
Jhope's POV
Did she really leave? I couldn't even have a chance to tell her how I feel about her. Maybe it was supposed to stay this way. But she could've at least told us.
A goodbye? At least a goodbye.. Yoongi hasn't come out of his room for 3 days now. I think he's going through too much for me to even understand him. He's not talking to Namjoon, Taehyung or Jimin. Well he's not talking to anyone at the moment because he's never out of his room but ever since that time when we were at the airport, he didn't even look at them. But I don't blame the boys, how could they tell him such a thing when they know how Yoongi would react.
Namjoon's POV
Why does it feel like everything is over? Yoongi hyung isn't speaking to me or Taehyung and Jimin. I feel so guilty. I finally understand Sureyya. We should've given Yoongi a chance to say goodbye to Leah. This was all unfair. I have to go and apologise to Sureyya. I got up from the couch and walked out our apartment.
I knocked on the door and it took at least a minute for someone to open it. It was Sureyya. She didn't even look up at who it was. She looks terrible. She looks like she's been.. crying.
Sureyya's POV
Its feels so weird without Leah. Especially without Namjoon. We haven't been speaking for 3 days now. Did we really break up?..
I've been sitting on the couch still in my pyjamas crying nonstop for the 3 days without Leah or Namjoon. The couch is overloaded with tissue and so is the floor. Reyhan has been going out lately to see Kai, going out with Idil or with Taehyung. But she isn't here now.. I think she went to Idil's house.
Just when I was about to grab the tissue box, there was a knock on the door. There's only one person who knocks the door and doesn't ring the bell. Namjoon. But it could be Reyhan. After all, Namjoon wouldn't come here..
I got up lazily and walked towards the door still with tissues in my hand as I sniffed my nose. I opened the door and kept my head down since I couldn't be bothered to keep it up. I looked at her feet and it did not look like women's feet at all. I looked up and saw Namjoon.
Joon? Did he come to finally dump me? I looked away and was about to close the door but he aggressively held the door back with his hand, got into the apartment and slammed the door shut.
I looked at the him with my eyes wide open as I stood still with my legs shivering because of how scared and surprised I was. Scared because he's probably going to dump me. Surprised because I had seen him so aggressive for the first time.
He slowly took steps closer to me with his eyes still locked onto mine.
"W-what are you doing..?" I mumbled as I slowly took steps back.
He stopped when he realised I started taking steps back. His facial expression didn't change though.
"I'm sorry." He said in his deep voice I always thought was so damn sexy.