So as ya'll know my book is finally finished! And I wouldn't have done it without you guys, every single one of your support and love brought me to this day and it helped me so much. I love every single one of you guys, all of you mean so much to me, I literally can't find the words to describe how happy and grateful I am right now.
All of your comments and messages put a smile on my face everytime. You guys never failed to make me happy, I love you guys so so much, thank you for everything~!
Also, I wanted to remind you guys of my new fanfic. I don't want to tell you guys anything about it since I want it to be a surprise but the prologue will be out soon so hopefully you guys will support me with my new fanfic too~ ♡♡
I'm really thankful for all of you and I love all of you guys so much but there are a few of my top readers who I want to shout out because they have been supporting me throughout since I first started writing this book or they just always leave the most nicest comments and are always voting and also because some of you guys say how you're my fans and I appreciate it so much~ So shout out to:
And and and a BIIIG shout out to IdilHadi because she has helped me throughout the entire fanfic and she is the one who gave me most of the ideas and you can go and check her fanfic out, it's a Jungkook fanfic~
And another BIIIIG shout out to my sister Kim_Reyhan_BTS because she helped me with the grammar and spelling errors of every chapter lol...
I will also add another chapter/special extra part just because you guys wanted a bit more and to see how Yoongi and ______ ends up. And also if you guys want to see how Sureyya and Namjoon end up and what happens to Minseok. So vote if you want me to do another extra special part~
OH OH OH I ALMOST FORGOT! I made two new covers for BTS Next Door but I want you guys to choose one, so just comment the number you want:
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