Reyhan's POVI woke up from my short nap and instantly remembered what happened. Kai.. Did I really break up with him? Anyway, where's Leah? In fact, where's everyone? I thought Idil and Chanyeol were still here?
Just when I got downstairs, I got a text
Taehyung - You okay? Are you still asleep? If not, do you wanna talk?
Why are you sending me messages Tae.. It's not the best time.. But why do I really feel like I need him so much right now?
Reyhan - I'm fine, where do you want to meet?
Taehyung - Rooftop, I'll bring some snacks.
Reyhan - Cool..
I grabbed my hoodie and left the apartment. I ran up to the rooftop and leaned against the wall observing the view while waiting for Taehyung.
Just when I took my phone out, I felt someone hold my shoulders, making me jump.
"You scared me.."
"Sorry.." He said, giggling.
"You said you would bring some snacks but it looks like you brought a whole shop." I said to him, looking at the bags in his hand.
"Oh.. I kinda eat a lot and I thought we would be staying here for some time, it's nice up here." He said, taking the snacks out the bags.
"Yeah it is really nice up here.."
Leah's POV
I literally feel so dreamy.. I can still feel his lips on mine..
"Anyone home!" I shouted, waiting for a reply.
Where's everyone?..
Just when I was walking towards the couch, I heard a kakao talk notification. I checked my phone but I had no message. I checked the coffee table and saw someone elses phone. I picked it up and unintentionally saw that the message was from Namjoon.
Is this phone Yoongi's?
Yoongi.. That kiss.. I still can't believe that was real..
Just as I was daydreaming, my phone starting vibrating. I took my phone out to see that my Mom was calling me.
Leah: Mom?
Mom: Hey dear.. I have bad news..
Leah: What is it..
Taehyung's POV
"So.. Are you going to forgive him?" I asked her as we sat down with snacks surrounding us.
"I don't know.. I don't think I can at the moment.." She replied.
"Oh.. I don't want you to misunderstand but.. he doesn't deserve you, you shouldn't be with him- What am I saying.. sorry."