Idil's POV"Can someone tell me what's going on??" Jimin shouted.
"Idil, don't you dare pick up." Chanyeol said.
I didn't say anything and looked back down at the phone. It was still ringing until Chanyeol took the phone and threw it.
"Yah- Mwaneungoya?!" I shouted at Chanyeol.
"Why do you still have his number?!" He shouted at me.
I kept silent and ran back to my phone to where he threw it and picked it up. At least it didn't break..
"Gwenchana?" I heard a familiar voice from behind me, it was Jimin, "What happened? Who's.. Jinyoung? Why was Chanyeol acting all paranoid?" He asked me.
"It's not something I like to talk about.." I said and got up.
"Oh, sorry.. I didn't mean to make you feel that way.. uh.. I just wanted you to know that I'm always here for you." He said and smiled shyly.
"Thanks.." I smiled back.
"Idil, we're going home." I heard Chanyeol say from behind me as he grabbed my wrist and dragged me towards the door.
"Hey! Don't drag me-"
"We have things to talk about." He said and opened the door and dragged me out finally letting go of my wrist. His voice sounded even deeper this time. I knew he was mad.
"What's your problem? What things do we have to talk about?"
"Can we just talk somewhere else?" He sighed walking to the elevator dragging me behind him.
"Chanyeol stop. Just because Jinyoung called me you're acting all weird and paranoid! It's not a big-"
"Yes it is a big deal actually! I won't let him be involved in your life ever again Idil! Don't you remember how much pain he put you through?! Who is he to be calling you now huh?! Who is he?! Idil I've protected you for almost all my life. And I won't stop. Not now, not ever." He shouted pulling me close to him so our faces were inches apart.
"..." I stood silent trying to look away from him as long as we had no eye contact, yes it was that awkward.
He let go of me realising it was starting to get awkward. He coughed and crossed his arms with his eyes scanning around the place.
"I'll go get Sehun.." I said to him, walking back towards Leah's apartment.
"Idil what happened? What was all that drama about?" Leah asked me as soon as I got in.
"Long story.. I better go home now, it's getting late.." I said to her.
"Ok.. whatever you say Idz." She smiled and hugged me.
I looked around trying to find Sehun after breaking the hug. He was on the couch.. sleeping. As always.
"Yah wake up, we're going! Yah!" I shouted, hitting his bum, trying to wake him up.
"Yah- ow.. you hurt me!" He whined as he rubbed his bum.
"Just get your ass up!"
"If you want, Yoongi hyung can drop you off, he drives." Jimin said walking towards us.
"No, it's ok, I wouldn't want to disturb his time with Leah."
"Who's time with who?" Sehun finally got up.
"No one just hurry up and get ready." I said to Sehun, pushing him away.
"I hope you had a great time today.." Jimin said rubbing his neck as his cute cheeks got red.