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𝗔drienne quickly dressed herself in her turnout gear as herself and the 118 arrived at the scene. She was way ahead of the others even though she was the last to get exit and get dressed. 

They walked over to a merry-go-round and spotted a motorcycle that was caught on fire.

"So what, they got self-driving motorcycles?" Chimney asked after he took a good look at the scene. There was a man still spinning around with his hoodie covering his face.

This couldn't have been an accident, and it made Adrienne grow extremely suspicious.

"Wouldn't that defeat the point?" Hen replied.

"That rider couldn't have gone far. Adrienne, Eddie, hose that down and turn that bike off," Bobby instructed.

Adrienne grabbed an extinguisher from Eddie and got to work to putting the fire out on the motorcycle. Eddie turned off the bike, then Adrienne helped the others with stopping the merry-go-round. She turned the man who was riding on it over to Bobby.

"Hey, can you hear me?" Bobby asked. Buck and Adrienne leaned the man back, only to reveal his face with his eyes enlarged. Adrienne took several steps back. The sight was odd and disturbing, but she'd seen worse in her lifetime. It took her by surprise.

"All right, let's get him off of there," Bobby says. Buck and Eddie dragged the man over to where Hen and Chim stationed themselves. The man looked scared to death, but something felt familiar about him.

"What happened to him?" Buck asked.

"Depending on how many times he was spinning around like that, it could be G-lock," Chimney replied.

"G-force poisoning from the force of the spin?" Eddie asked.

"Right now, all his blood is pooling inside his head. It's pressing against his brain. That's why he's out cold." Which was semi-okay. At least he wasn't dead. Chimney strapped him up to check more of the man's vitals. He continued, "We don't get that swelling down, he could have a stroke," Chimney explained.

Hen and Chim got to work on him. Buck and Adrienne further examined the man. Unknowingly, their heads tilted to the side in sync.

"I feel like I know this guy," Buck says. Adrienne had the same thought, she was always good with faces, but the fact that his eyes were enlarged made her a bit confused. Eddie tilted his head out of curiosity, also in perfect sync with Buck and Adrienne.

𝗙𝗔𝗟𝗟𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗙𝗢𝗥 𝗛𝗜𝗠 || E. BUCKLEYWhere stories live. Discover now