Log 11: A Day In SCP-999's Life

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A Day In SCP-999's Life

"My name is. Wait. I don't really have a name so I'll just tell you another name that was given to me! My name is SPC-999! Or was it PSC-999? CPS-999? Oh wait! It was SCP-999!"

???: 999, please stop eating the jar of cookies. You've already eaten 15 jars in just one week.

"I will never stop! This jar of cookies is delicious and you will not take my precious away from me!"

???: If you stop eating the cookies I'll bake you a cake.

"Cake? Hmmmm, ah yes, the negotiator. Hmmmm, such a hard decision…"

???: It will be a three layered cookies and cream cake.

"Cookies and cream you say? That's enough negotiating because I'm satisfied!"

???: Please don't throw away the jar of cooki-

"So I will throw away the jar of cookies!"

The jar was thrown and it shattered on the floor.

???: Hah, yout such a little rascal 999.

???: You go clean it, I'll be making the cake.

???: Alright.

"I forgot to introduce these two distinguished lady and man. The man is Y/N, my self-proclaimed father! He gives head pats and helps me when I find a hard level in a game! And the lady, is ummmm, 166? Yeah! The lady's name is SCP-166! She is my self-proclaimed mother, because she feeds me delicious and scrumptious food!"

Y/N: Ok wait, hey 999, I have a gift for you.

"A gift? A gift from father? Cool!"

Y/N: Elizabetta gave the other children a set of VR headsets. This one's for you.

"What's a VR Headset?"

Y/N: The way you look at me tells me you don't know what a VR Headset is. A virtual reality headset is a head-mounted device that provides virtual reality for the wearer. VR headsets are widely used with VR video games but they are also used in other applications, including simulators and trainers. You can also play it with your friends 999.

"I see, using this thing we can get into some sort of virtual reality. Cool!"

Y/N: Try it on, the others might be in it already, so just have fun alright?


Y/N: Good.

"Now give me my headpats!"

He gives me my headpats.

Y/N: Alright, have fun!

SCP-166: Y/N, can you please come with me to the bathroom?

Y/N: *Sigh* Alright.

"Time to LOG IN!"

I put the headset an was getting ready. The headset was saying something like 'ENTER' and has a stick thing pointing it.

"Hmmmm. Does it want me to use this?"

I raised the stick and pointed it to the 'ENTER', and then I pressed a button then there was a question where it was asking for my name. And then it started to load.

"Ooooh, so that's how it works."

And the game finally loads in and this is the first thing I see.

Photo of minecraft loading screen here.

After that, the loading finally finishes and I'm in the game.

???: So, you can get wood by punching a blocky tree?

SCP-5506 (Male Reader x SCP)Where stories live. Discover now