Extra Log 3: The Various STUPID Experiments of SCP-040 (Feat. SCP-191)

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SCP-040: Hello there everybody! I am 040 and today I will be doing various stupid experiments! I will be accompanied by 191 today in said experiments!

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SCP-040: Hello there everybody! I am 040 and today I will be doing various stupid experiments! I will be accompanied by 191 today in said experiments!

SCP-191: Hello everybody.

SCP-040: Now let's start with experiment one!

(======Experiment 1======)


CP-040: Let's start with a question.

SCP-191: The question is, is it possible to eat Ms. Sweetie's hair?

SCP-040: We have Ms. Sweetie here woth us today for this expirement, say hello!

SCP-2396: Hello? And what exactly are we gonna do?

SCP-040: We're gonna try to eat your hair!

SCP-2396: ……………Huh?

SCP-191: Omp!


SCP-040: So! Is it sweet?!

SCP-191: ……Cherry flavor.

SCP-040: Nice!

SCP-2396: M-My hair……

SCP-040: Let's get on with the next shall we?

(======Experiment 2======)

SCP-040: Experiment number two! Can cookies live?

SCP-191: ………Huh?

SCP-040: I've been playing a game involving cookies and so I want to know if cookies can come to life in some way.

SCP-191: ………Maybe we should get 239? 

SCP-239: Oh! That might help! She is a witch right?!

SCP-191: Yes.

SCP-040: Alright then, let's go get her! Also can you get the time skip board and put it on the camera and pause it?

SCP-191: Sure.

SCP-191: …………It did not work

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SCP-191: …………It did not work.

SCP-239: *Sigh* Sorry guys, but I don't think that will work.

SCP-040: I wanted to make a little cookie kingdom, but I guess that won't happen. I guess we should get on with Experiment three.

(======Experiment 3======)

SCP-040: …………What's this?

SCP-191: What's what?

SCP-040: What's a bussy?

SCP-191: …………………Maybe we'll skip this one.

SCP-040: Why? What is it?

SCP-191: You don't want to know tha-

SCP-040: I'm searching it.

SCP-191: ……I did warn you.

SCP-040: Urban dictionary? Let's see here- WHAT THE FU-

(======Experiment 4======)


CP-040: Hmmmm, I think that's the last rubber band that we had.

SCP-191: No more huh.

Watermelon: It's showtime!

SCP-040: Wha-


SCP-040: Mmmm~~, watermelon.

SCP-191: The camera's okay somehow.

SCP-040: Did we get the whole thing?

SCP-191: Ummmm, the camera wasn't recording, by the time you said that there was no rubber band left, I pressed the recording button.

SCP-040: *Sigh* Great.

(======Experiment 5======)

SCP-040: Now for the fifth and final experiment!

SCP-191: Do we really have to do this?

SCP-040: Yup! Now get down because it's gonna blow!

SCP-191: This is not go-


SCP-040: O- sh- th- the cam- ra- br- ken!

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