Log 16: Breeding Day

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Y/N: *Groans* Oh god………I feel so fucking tired……

SCP-166: Come on Y/N, you have to wake up.

Y/N: But I want too though……

SCP-096: I want to sleep mooooree.

SCP-049: Well, it looks like you can't. We have a lot of events ahead of us.

SCP-173: You mean the breeding?

Y/N: Uuuuuuuhhhh. I don't want to do anything. I found the most comfortable sleeping position.

SCP-166: Y/N, your sleeping position looks like you fell from the 15th floor of a building.

SCP-999: That's the most comfortable positon to in Mom.

SCP-173: I'm gonna go eat breakfast you girls just keep trying at waking him up. I'm gonna go eat cereal.

~~Time Skip~~

SCP-173: How'd you wake him up?

SCP-049: Why do you think we let SCP-999 outside the room?

SCP-173: …………You fucking sluts.

I'llSCP-166: Language!

SCP-096: Somebody's salty because she couldn't get any action.

SCP-173: Shut up you ugly faced bitch!

SCP-096: At least this bitch got some action with him before you did!

SCP-173: ………………When the hell did you get good at this?

SCP-049: Stop bickering you two, they will here any minute now. So, Y/N, please eat your breakfast.

As SCP-048 said that. I got a spoon and ate my breakfast. It was composed with pancakes with chocolate syrup, waffles with chocolate syrup, and cold chocolate milk.

Y/N: This looks delicious guys. You really are getting good at cooking.

SCP-999: I also helped with the cooking!

Y/N: You did eh? Well good job 999.

I pat her head and she was smiling.

SCP-096: You think you handle this Y/N?

Y/N(thoughts): Is she asking about the breeding. No, not really but, I'll do what I can.

Y/N: Sure, of course I can handle it. I just did a moment ago.

SCP-049: There were three of us Y/N. Are you really sure you can handle it? There's most like more than 20 girls coming here. Accurately, 21 girls.

SCP-166: E-Even that's too much. But I think he can handle it.

Y/N: I think I can last a whole day. So just don't worry about it.

SCP-096: You were worrying about it yesterday Y/N.

Y/N: Eh, the past is in the past I guess.

SCP-173: Yeah Ms. Shy Gurl. The past is in the past.

SCP-096: Shut up you imamovable object! I'll never forget about the past!

SCP-166: Whatever happened to you two, maybe you teo should just forgive and forget, y'know?

SCP-173/SCP-096: NEVER!!

SCP-166: O-Oh…okay.

SCP-999: Can I please enter Cookie Oasis again?

Y/N: Sure, but please don't eat it all, okay?

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