Log 13: An SCP Meet Up

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So, quick change up. I'll be making SCP-105 actually alive here. Tell me if you don't like the change. I may change it.



"Okay, so, I seemingly forgot to record and uhhhh, how long has it been since my last audio recording? I don't know, so let's just pick a random number. Maybe 13 would be good? I don't know and I don't care right now because I've got a lot of things to do today. Elizabetta and Carisa told me that I had to meet more SCP's to see if it works on them. I now feel like they just want me to fuck them and see what would happen. They're basically telling me to 'fuck around and find out' I don't really know what to say next. Oh well, so if you're wondering why I keep doing, well I'll explain, I'm basically doing this because of one reason only, and that is if I lived a good life, I'll make recording which would be the last one and after that recording, I'll tell the other scientists to throw this on a random location where people could basically pick it up and listen to it. That's it, I want somebody, anybody to listen to my experiences in this facility. And I hope you're listening to it now. First of all, thank you for picking this up. Even though it's like……Log 13 now. I'm only saying because I couldn't tell you anything on the first log. That's all I have to say for now. Log 13 end."

~~Time Skip~~

I was now placed on aa chair with four SCP's currently on the other side of the table.


Speaker: Okay Y/N you know what to do right? Just do it and interact when them.


Y/N(thoughts): You saying that, through the speaker which they can also hear. Is a bad move. Let's just do what she said.

I secreeted some of the pheromones, only for a little bit of course. I don't want them to start tackling to the ground.

Y/N: I think it's time for an introduction. I'm SCP-5506.

SCP-347: Hey, just call me 347

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SCP-347: Hey, just call me 347. Can't really trust anyone with my name yet.

Y/N: Nice to meet you 347.

Y/N: Nice to meet you 347

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SCP-5506 (Male Reader x SCP)Where stories live. Discover now