Extra Log 4: The Children When The Adults Are Gone

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3rd Person POV

Y/N: You kids better behave while we're out okay?

The 28 mischievious little girls: OKAY!!

Y/N: Good girls, we'll be going now. Bye!

Y/N leaves with the his wives in tow. The door closes as we are left with the 28 mischievious little girls. They smile………mischieviously.

~~Time Skip~~

SCP-999: DO IT!

Claire: Blood for the blood god!

Claire was wearing a cardboard armor whole weildong a cardboard sword and shield.

Yang: Charge!

While Yang had cardboard gauntlets…of course.

Komi: Go!

And so they charged. Claire with her sword and Yang woth her gauntlets. This will be the fight of the cen-

Claire: Oh no!

She tripped. And rolled, all the way to Yang.

Komi: Yang run!

Yang : Oh fu-

They crashed.

Claire: Ow.

Well then, let's check the others.

Alice: Would you like some tea?

Camilla: Yes, of course.

Stacy: Really? A tea party? We could've done anything and we picked a tea party?

Lily: Just shut up and drink the tea.

Stacy: Ffffffffffine.

Shutter: Yup! Just like that!

Bonabell: I-Is this really necessary?

Eliza: I-It's very……well-

Carol: It's very embarrassing.

Shutter: No it's not! It's cute! And beautiful!

They were cosplaying. It was actually pretty cute.

SCP-053: Does anybody have blue?

SCP-040: No.

SCP-191: Nadda.

SCP-239: Nope.

SCP-134: Nuh uh.

SCP-053: *Maniacally laughing* Good.

SCP-053 puts a "choose a color card" on the table.

SCP-053: Blue!

SCP-040: ………I'm getting major flashbacks from SCP-191.

SCP-191: What did I do?

SCP-053: You know what you did.

Fiona: Hey guys, I found one of Dad's white shirts!

They all look towards Fiona who was holding a big white T-shirt. While the girls were slowly raising up their color markers, pencils, and crayons.

~~Time Skip~~

Britney: There you go! Beautiful!

Ayuo: Hmmmm, needs a bit more pink.

Ina: I think that's enough pink Ayuo.

Jackey: No, it DEFINITELY needs more pink.

Visi: I agree.

So, what I'm getting from here is, they do a bunch of stuff while the adults are away huh. Who knew.

Lizzy: *Chewing* This pancake is tight!

Swana: Yeah *Chomp*

Yumina: *Chewing* ………There definitely fucking right now.

Lizzy: Did we ask for that information fox face?

Yumina: ……………I hate you.

Lizzy: Fu-

Claire appears and slaps tape on Lizzy's mouth.

Claire: No cursing in the house!

SCP-040: Yo! Are those bouncy balls!

Cally: Yeah?

SCP-040: Nice balls sis! *Kicks them*

Cally: Oh no! My balls! 

Guess we'll just skip to the end. I'm getting out of ideas man.

~~Time Skip~~

Y/N: We're home!

The 28 angels: Welcome home!

Y/N: Did you behave while we were out?

The 28 angels: Yes!

Y/N: That goo- Why is my shirt here? And why is it filled with drawing?

The 28 angels: ………………

Y/N: ………………

The 28 troublemakers: …………We didn't do it.

Y/N: ………You're all getting a whoopin'.

The 28 troublemakers : NNNNOOO!!

Then they ran away.

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