14 - Dr Giran

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And then Magne's top half exploded

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And then Magne's top half exploded.

Magne's legs fell to the ground in the puddle of what used to be her, everybody was shocked.

"No. Big sis Mag!" Himiko said in terror, "Just remember you made the first move." Chisaki spoke as he got up again.

"Ugh. I'm filthy now." He said as he continuously rubbed his green jacket, "that's why i hate the aftermath."

"Tomura-sama stay back." Aoi commanded the leader as she watched Compress fly towards Chisaki.

Tomura turned around as he saw the flying magician, "Compress, Wait!"

"No! I have to seal this guy away!" Compress shouted, as he got closer to Chisaki he touched him before he questioned, "Why isn't my quirk working?"

"Don't touch me!" Overhaul shouted as he slashed his arm at Compress. The moment they made contact Compress's arm dissolved into blood and mush.

Compress screamed as Tomura jumped towards Overhaul and Aoi to Compress.

Aoi got to Compress as she heard the sound of decay activating on somebody she looked over to see Tomura jumping away from a pile of dust in front of Overhaul.

"Now I get it." She heard him say. After that the wall exploded and Aoi moved to shield Compress with a wall of water and her own body.

3 Men clearly from the Shie hasaikai jumped into the warehouse as Tomura snapped, "You should have just started with this. Saved us all some time."

Aoi tried to block out what was going on in the background to try and help Compress, who was groaning on the floor holding where his arm used to be.

"Compress." She lightly said. "Move your arm. I can help it." He did as so and Aoi saw that his missing arm was destroyed perfectly so Compress socket was simply float against his skin.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2023 ⏰

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