𝙂𝙖𝙣𝙜 𝙞𝙣𝙫𝙤𝙡𝙫𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩

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You were sitting behind the counter at work, Alan and Edgar leaning on the other side so they could talk to you.  This time, their parents had at least passed out in the backroom.  The boys noticed how tired you were, so they began to interrogate you.

"So, where were you last night," Alan asked, trying to make his voice sound deeper again.

"Around here, actually," you answered.  "The boardwalk's got a lot to do, you know."

"You never come here by choice, let alone at night," Edgar pointed out.

"Well, some boys and their mom moved in with old man Emerson, so I was showing them around," you explained.

"What did you do with them," Edgar continued.

"Well, we saw some shirtless dude play the saxophone," you began.  "The older one chased after a girl, I showed the younger one the store because he wanted some comics, accidentally got involved with a biker gang, then... then... I can't remember."

"Wait, did you get drunk or something?"

"Screw that," Alan interjected.  "You got involved with a gang?!"

"Yeah.  They brought us to this cave thing, and I can't remember what happened after that."

"Were they Surf Nazis," Alan questioned.

"(y/n), what the fuck were you thinking," Edgar asked loudly, the 'intimidating' tone slipping.

"I was thinking 'oh boy, better do what I'm told so they don't get mad and dump my lifeless body into the ocean,'" you joked.

"You got involved with a biker gang showing a new kid around," Alan elaborated.  "What the hell is wrong with you?"

Before the two could continue to chastise your will to live, the little bell above the door rang.  The three of you looked over, and you smiled as Sam walked in.  Your brothers stood up and made their way over to see what they could help him with, and you just waited for whoever may need help.  Soon enough, the three boys made their way over to you, Alan and Edgar looking at you.

"Hey (y/n)," Sam greeted.

"Hey.  What're you up to," you asked.

"Nothing much," Sam answered.

"Notice anything unusual about Santa Carla yet," Alan interrupted, worming his way between Sam and the counter, and trying to make his voice sound deeper and darker again.

"No, it's a pretty cool place," Sam told him.  "If you're a Martian."

"Or a vampire," Edgar stated.

You sighed and shook your head.  It was one thing for them to have their imagination, so long as they weren't hurting anyone.  No matter how many times they threatened to kill someone under the guise of vampire hunting, you were always quick to shut them down.  But bringing Sam into this?  You were glad they were trying to make friends, but like this?

"Are you guys sniffing old newsprint or something," Sam sassed.

"They're completely serious," you deadpanned.

"You think you really know what's happening around here," Edgar questioned the Emerson.

"Well I'll tell you something.  You don't know shit buddy," Alan told him.  "You think we just work in a comic book store for our folks, huh?"

"Actually, I thought it was a bakery," Sam smirked.

"This is just our cover," Edgar said.  "We're dedicated to a higher purpose."

"We're fighters for truth, justice, and the American way," Alan continued.

"Right.  (y/n), get the book," Edgar demanded.

"Boys, I don't think that's-"

"No, I want to see 'the book' now," Sam told you.

You sighed once more and reached into one of the drawers in front of you.  You pulled out the bright blue comic about Dracula, 'Vampires Everywhere,' and handed it to Alan, who passed it along to Sam.

"Hey man, read this," Alan instructed.

"I told you, I don't like horror comics," Sam argued.

"Think of it more as a survival manual," Edgar stated.  "There's our number on the back.  And pray you never need to call us."

"I'll pray..." Sam trailed off.  "I never need to call you."

And with that, he walked out of the store, still carrying the comic.  The two brothers looked at each other, pleased they had managed to 'protect' a citizen of Santa Carla.  You glanced at the clock behind the cash register, and saw that it was getting close to 7.  The sun was almost gone from the sky, dark hues replacing vibrant blue ones.

"Boys, I clock out in about fifteen minutes.  Is there anything you need me to do," you asked them.

"Nope.  We got this place covered," Alan told you.

 "Try not to get involved with any gangs tonight," Edgar advised.

"Wasn't planning on it," you responded.

The clock hit the time blessing you freedom, as if you didn't mind your job.  You managed to take one step out of the store, before getting cat called.  Looking over, you saw-

"Hello Paul," you said, annoyed.

"What, not happy to see me babe," he asked with a smirk.

You decided to ignore his antics, and just started walking towards the exit.  You just wanted to go lay down and/or read a book.  Not deal with someone who's in a fucking biker gang.  Like you had told your brothers, you had no intentions of spending more time with these fuckers.

"You can't just ignore me sweetheart," he called.

But that was exactly what you planned to do.  So you simply kept walking.  And ignoring him.  You could hear him scoff and get mad behind you, and you pictured him throwing a temper tantrum like a toddler.  But before you could get much farther, a motorcycle engine revved, and you watched as another blonde pulled forward in front of you.

"Leaving so soon," Marko snickered.

"Fuck off," you demanded.

You went to walk around his bike, but he smirked and crossed in front of your path once more.  You went to turn around, but saw Paul making his way towards you.  He had passed by the comic store, effectively blocking off that as a potential hide out.  You were trapped.  You looked around, and locked eyes with a flight of stairs that led down to the beach.  So you took off in a sprint, making your way onto the sand.  You heard the boys shouting after you, and Marko's engine fire to life once more.

You turned back to watch what they did as you ran, speeding up rather than slowing down.  You watched as Marko drove down the stairs on his bike, somehow not breaking the rickety, near-rotted wood.  Paul was also chasing after both of you now.

You quickly faced ahead of you, refusing to run in a straight line, hoping to throw your pursuers off.  You spotted another set of stairs, and quickly raced up them, knowing that Paul was too slow to keep up right now, and Marko couldn't get up because of his bike.  And luckily for you, you spotted Michael sitting on his bike on the boardwalk, talking to Star.  You ran over and jumped on the back, not even giving Mike time to question what was going on.

"DRIVE," you demanded.

He looked over and saw Paul and Marko bounding up the stairs, the latter having abandoned his vehicle down on the beach.  Mike quickly bid Star ado, and raced off down the boardwalk, you watching behind you worriedly to make sure you lost the two other boys.

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