𝙑𝙖𝙢𝙥𝙞𝙧𝙚 𝙝𝙪𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙨

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You woke up to the sound of someone pounding on the front door.  You didn't want to get up.  Your bed was soft and warm, and your head hurt.  It wasn't migraine level bad, but you had a bad headache that made you want to stay in bed all day.  But the knocking wouldn't stop.  Soon enough, you heard the door open, and two familiar voices calling out for you as they ran in.

Your bedroom door was then thrown open as Edgar and Allen rushed in.  Edgar began to try and rip your blanket off as Alan tried to pull you out of the bed, and you quickly began fighting against them and shouting for them to stop.

"What the fuck are you two doing?!"

"(y/n), we need your help," Edgar informed you, doing the thing to make his voice sound deeper.

"We're going to kill the vampires.  If we kill the head vampire, we can help Michael," Alan explained.

"Boys, I'm sorry, but not this early in the morning," you told them.

"No, this is the best time!  Vampires burn in the sun," Edgar pointed out.  "Didn't Michael tell you anything?"

"He said he explained what was going on..." Alan trailed off.

"Michael wasn't over here last night," you stated.

Both boys looked at each other, then at your window.  They quickly reached into one of Edgar's pockets, pulling out some sort of salt.  They used it to line the windowsill a few times, then made sure the window was locked.

"(y/n), you need to come with us, now," Alan demanded.

Before you could argue, the two self proclaimed vampire hunters had grabbed your hands, and dragged you downstairs and outside.  Sitting in a vintage blue car was Sam, and Michael.  Michael was sporting a pair of sunglasses, which seemed strange since it wasn't all that bright out.

"(y/n), about last night-" Michael tried to say.

"They don't remember," Alan quickly told him.

Michael looked at you, and even with the glasses it was easy to see that he was confused.  He stared at you for a moment, then looked off into the woods.

"Shit..." he mumbled.

He figured out what happened pretty damn quick.  He wasn't dumb.  You weren't alone last night.  One of the other Santa Carla monsters must've caught wind of what was going on, and made you forget this too.  First the bridge, next the bonfire, now last night.  What next?  Was this going to lead to any lasting amnesia issues?  Was your mind going to just... break someday?

Alan and Edgar sat in the back with Sam, and you took the shotgun seat next to Mike.  You were confused because he seemed so tense around you.  What happened last night?  Did you do something wrong?

Michael began speeding off towards the boardwalk, and right towards Hudson's Bluff.  He parked where all the bikes had been that fateful night, and your small little group descended the stairs and made your way across the thin bridge.

You just wanted to go to your train tracks.  You didn't want to worry about sneaking into your friends hideout so that your brothers could go monster hunting.  And you didn't want to worry about Mike being so... off.  God, why couldn't you remember last night?

"Weapons... check," Edgar said, handing Alan and Sam a stake.

You had already ascended the second flight of stairs, ready to stop the Frog brothers from killing an innocent person.   Michael quickly grabbed Sam and pulled him off to the side so that the Frogs' couldn't hear him.

"I don't want you going down there," Mike told him.

"I'm going," Sam stated matter-of-factly.

"This isn't a comic book Sammy," Michael argued.  "These guys are brutal killers."

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