𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙞𝙘 𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙚

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You sprinted for the comic book store, and refused to stop.  Even when your body screamed at you in pain, you refused to stop.  You reached the boardwalk by the time you finally slowed your pace.  You saw the neon sign for the comic store, and you were upset to find that it wasn't lit.  The store would be open already.  You raced over and peered in through the windows, but there was no signs of life inside.  Not even Mr. and Mrs. Frog.

You heard footsteps bounding towards you, and you quickly turned to see what it was.  You were still in 'be wary since vampires are trying to kill me' mode.  But, unsurprisingly, it wasn't a vampire.  But it wasn't one of the Frog brothers' either.

"Sam," you called questioningly.

"(y/n)!  He got my mom," Sam shouted.  "He got Michael, and now he got my mom!"

He continued sprinting towards you, and practically tackled you into a hug.  You wrapped your arms around him, feeling pity for the young boy.  His dad didn't seem to be in the picture, his grandfather was dead, David got to Mike, and it looked like Max got to Lucy.  You tried your best to comfort Sam, understanding that he was most definitely not okay.

Then you started hearing soft sobs.  Yep, not okay.

"I don't have anyone," you heard him mumble.

He must've put together the same thoughts you had.

"No, that's not true," you quickly told him.  "You have Alan, and Edgar, and me, and we're not going to let any vampires get you, okay?  I'm not going anywhere Sammy."

Sam looked at you, then began crying.  Hard.  You quickly pulled him into a hug, holding him as close as possible, while trying not to suffocate him.  You were treating him just like one of your brothers in this scenario.  You wanted to make sure that he didn't feel alone right now.  He was just a boy in a terribly tragic situation.  He deserved better.

"I almost want to go back," Sam admitted through his tears.  "He has my mom.  I just want my mom back.  I'm scared."

You weren't sure how to respond to that.  Going back to the monsters?  Out of the question!  But he had a point.  Max had his mom and brother, and he was extremely close with them.  You had just lost your friend, Sam had lost his family.  He had a reason to go back now.  And it was honestly one that would make you second guess stopping him, as terrible as that sounded.  You just wanted him to be happy.  But in this scenario... there wasn't many happy endings for him.

"It's going to be okay bud," you tried to reassure him.  "I'm not going to let anything happen to you."

Then it hit you.  You were planning on making a great escape, and you were going to bring your brothers if you could find them.

"Hey, I'm going to be getting out of Santa Carla," you told Sam.  "Do you want to come with me?  You don't have to be alone, and you don't have to go to the vampires."

Sam looked up at you, and began to cry harder as he squeezed you in his thin arms.  It felt like he was trying to suffocate you.

"Please," he begged.  "Please, I don't wanna be a monster too!  Please!"

"You don't have to be one too.  Now I'm going to try and find Edgar and Alan, I'm going to try and get the three of you out of here.  Today.  Before they even wake up.  Okay?"

Sam nodded, and released you.  You grabbed his hand to make sure you didn't lose him, and pulled him along with you as you made your way towards the different places on the boardwalk that you knew your brothers liked.  The pizza parlor, the ice cream shop, the side that was like a fair, anywhere and everywhere.  But you couldn't see them.  You asked Sam if they had talked about any place to hide out in case the vampire hunting failed, but to no avail.

You both made your way back towards the comic book store, only for you to see Mr. and Mrs. Frog standing outside, looking around.  Then they spotted you.

"Hey!  You know our boys," Mrs. Frog shouted.  "Have you seen them?!"

"No, I haven't.  I was hoping you knew where they were," you replied.

"What do you want with them," Mr. Frog interrogated.

"Oh, I was looking for them," Sam quickly answered.  "(y/n) lives across the street, and Edgar said that they used to babysit them.  I can't find them, and (y/n) offered to help.  But we can't find them anywhere."

"Oh god, where our the boys," Mrs. Frog asked her husband worriedly.

"We'll find them," Mr. Frog assured her.

You looked up at the sky, and almost gasped at how low the sun was getting in the sky.  It was already sunset.  You had spent longer than you had hoped looking for the boys.  And now, you might end up dead.

"Come on, we need to go," you told Sam. 

And with that, you ushered him in the direction of the closest exit.  You wanted to make sure that at least he got out safely.  As you exited the boardwalk, you heard the worst sound known to man.  An engine revving.  Specifically, a motorcycle engine.

You and Sam both turned to look, fearing for your lives.  Hidden in the shadows was Michael, sitting on his bike.  Sam quickly clung to you, and you looked to make sure you were still in the sunlight.

"I'm not here to hurt you," Michael quickly said.

"Then what are you here for?  To kill us," Sam asked loudly.

"I want to get Sam to safety," Mike replied.  "David and Max are pissed that you two got away.  I want to make sure Sam gets out of here."

"Why should we believe you," you questioned.  "How did we know Max didn't send you here to get us?"

"Because I wouldn't lie to my brother like that."

You looked at Sam.  He knew his brother better than you.  And you wanted to make sure he got his happy ending.

"What do you want to do," you asked him quietly.

Sam hesitated before replying.

"I want to go with him."

"I'll take you to the train station," Mike quickly explained.  "I'm getting you as far away from here as possible.  Both of you."

"Then why did you want to kill me earlier," you interrogated.

"I was playing by David's game.  I thought that if it seemed like I was one of them, I could get Sam away easier because they thought I was on their side."

"Wouldn't David know that?  Since Paul's got the mind thing?"

"Paul's got a mind thing," Sam asked.

"Shit," Michael cursed.  "You're right.  Paul probably knows.  Please, just let me help you."

Sam began moving towards his brother, and you hesitantly followed.  You had let Sam pick, nd now you were sticking by your decision.  You were probably going to end up dead, but you weren't doing this for you, at this point.  You were doing this for Sam.  Worst comes to worst, you distract the vampires from finding your brothers, giving them a better chance to get away.

For Sam, and your brothers.

A/n: I'm starting to hate this, but I've decided to just stick it out and finish it.

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