𝙏𝙧𝙖𝙞𝙣 𝙧𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙨

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The bar cart was completely empty, save for you not so jolly humans, and the two monsters hoping to find and kill a child. You hoped Sam was safe, wherever he was.

David was behind the bar rooting around for something, and you assumed he was looking for booze. Michael was sitting at the bar watching him, and you and the Frog brothers were at a booth in the corner as far away as possible from the vampires who refused to leave you alone.

"Why don't we just stake them now," Alan suggested quietly. "We've got them alone."

"Well what do you plan to do with the bodies, prop 'em up like a movie and pretend people think they're alive," Edgar questioned.

"Fair point."

"Boys, cut that out," you whispered just as quietly.

"You realize we can hear you, right," David asked, grabbing a bottle of whiskey.

Suddenly, fangs grew out from his gums... which he promptly used to rip open the cap on the bottle. He spit the cap out angrily, and practically chugged the fancy amber adult juice. Edgar and Alan stared at the fangs, seeming both disgusted and intrigued.

"I mean, you might as well just be shouting how you plan to kill us," David continued.

"Fine! We're gonna drive a stake right through your chests," Edgar stated loudly.

"And we won't miss this time," Alan added.

"And then we're gonna burn you with water so holy it'll look like Jesus himself took a bath in it," Edgar finished.

"And why should we be afraid of two little punks who aren't even old enough to tie their own shoelaces," David asked in a threatening manner.

He then began to slowly walk towards your brothers, who at peak stupidity puffed out their chests, and Alan raised up his fists like he was ready for a fight. David smirked, but this one looked far more evil than the grin he usually wore. And with that, you put yourself between them, facing the big bad vampire. Michael quickly followed suit, and you two suddenly became a killable wall blocking David off from the two kids he wanted to kill so bad.

"Get out of my way," David demanded.

"Not happening," you stated.

"I wasn't asking."

"Neither was I."

"Will everyone just calm down," Michael shouted. "No one is dying on this damn train!"

"SAYS YOU," Edgar screeched.

"Yes says me!"

And with that, Michael was glaring at the two boys, his shiny new yellow eyes on full display. It was horrifying. For a moment, you didn't want to believe any of this. You wanted to believe that you were safe at home, and this was some sort of weird, extremely vivid and lucid dream. But of course, you weren't lucky enough for that to be the case.

You wanted to believe that Michael wasn't one of them. That he was still human like you. That he didn't eat the corpse of his grandfather, like some kind of psychopath. That he was still the guy who just moved in across the street, he was still the nice guy who just happened to act like a bit of an asshole sometimes, like none of this had happened in the first place.

But... no.

You were still here. Michael still had glowing yellow and red eyes. He was still the only thing between a killer and your younger brothers. And your brothers still pissed off a blood sucking killer. And you were still (quite literally) stuck in the middle of it all.

Michael blinked a few times and took a deep breath, and when he opened his eyes they were back to a more human color. David was now glaring at Mike, and you were still trying to block them from getting to your brothers.

The train gently bounced around, and glasses hanging above the bar clinked together softly. Reminders that this was all very real. You were really stuck here. In this moment. With these monsters.

Suddenly, David chugged what was left in the whiskey bottle and threw it to the ground at full force. The glass shattered on impact, sharp and dangerous shards surrounding David's feet like some sort of beautiful reflective halo.

Too bad Michael and David didn't have reflections. It was just you and the Frog brothers. A sick reminder of how very real, and how very very dangerous this situation was.

"Give me one good reason I don't rip you both apart, right now," David growled out.

"You can't kill us if we kill you first," Edgar said angrily (quickly followed by Alan cheering in agreement).


You took a few deep breaths to cool down, and David and Michael stared at you in shock. Neither of them expected you to just flip a switch and get assertive like that. They knew you were capable of handling yourself... you were alive far longer than any of their other victims for a reason. But for you to yell like that in an enclosed public area (despite no one else being around)... it was unexpected, to say the least.

Your brothers just bowed their heads in shame. They knew it took a lot to get you to yell like that, and they knew they had officially fucked up. And now, you were stuck on a train, fighting for your life, and their lives, and Sam's life. It wasn't like you could take a minute and go to your hideout down the tracks to settle down.

"Sorry (y/n)," Alan muttered.

"Sorry," Edgar quickly followed.

"Sorry won't save you boys," you told them. "And it wouldn't save you either."

And with that, you jabbed a finger in the vampire's direction.

And for the first time in this whole story... David looked scared. By you. A weak, useless, stupid human. He was a vampire, he was supposed to be a big scary predator! Yet here you were, scaring him. How many centuries had it been since he felt weak and powerless like this? Too many!

"David," Michael said. "Daviiiiiiiiid~"

The Emerson boy snapped his fingers in front of David's face, which finally got a reaction out of Mr. Babyface.

"David, what happened," Michael asked.

David just shook his head and snapped out of his little trance, but he didn't say anything verbally. But his body language gave enough context clues. He was scared of you, and he was freaked out by that fear. And this... this was both a shocking and terrifying development for everyone in the bar cart. Including David.

"You threaten me again, I'll kill you first," David stated, pointing right at you. "Don't test me."

Within a few seconds, he changed from what looked like a scared little boy to a big scary monster with rage boiling beneath the surface. But you... now you knew he had a weakness. And you were done with his bullshit.

"Oh no, I'm so scared," you sassed. "You've been so dangerous, and so good at chasing me down so far!"

David went to take a step towards you to try and intimidate you, but Michael used his body to block him from getting any closer.

"Tread carefully (y/n)," David warned. "Or you might not make it off this train with your soul."

"Try me, assclown," you shot back.

"I am not an assclown."

"Yes, you're right, you're not an assclown."

"Thank yo-"

"You're a damn scrotum jester!"

And with that, Michael was doing everything in his power to hold David back and keep him from doing something stupid. And Edgar and Alan were doing their best to keep a grip on your arms and hold you back to keep you from doing something stupid.

The narrator's struggling to keep up with all the poor choices here, god dammit! How much longer is this damn train trip?!


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