𝙈𝙖𝙭'𝙨 𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙨𝙚

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You woke up in pain.  That was the best way to put it.  You felt like the human equivalent of a paperweight.  God, you just wanted to fall back asleep.

"Ah, you're awake," someone said.

You recognized it as the guy who ran the video store.  You could probably recognize his voice from anywhere after the horrifying monologue he gave in the Emerson house.  You remembered Sam had said something about the vampire getting his mom, so did his plan succeed on that front?  Oh god, you were going to die.  

Looking around at the place you would inevitably die in, you were shocked by the things he could afford on his salary.  Everything looked so... fancy.  You didn't know if it were for show or not, but the countless books and bookshelves looked so fake and yet so real.  And the large TV was something to behold.  It was so much larger and yet so thin... how could he afford this when he ran a dying video store on the boardwalk?

Well, at least that meant you technically got to go back to sleep.  You'd just never wake up.

"You took quite a fall with that crash.  I apologize for my boys... they haven't had a proper mother in quite some time," Max told you.  "And you know how boys are.  They're lost without a proper influence."

Max stared at you, expecting you to say something.  Anything, really.  And sure you had a lot of questions, you had enough common sense not to start annoying a vampire while you were vulnerable on his couch.  Although, Max was more expecting you to try and plead with him.  Beg for your life.  Anyone in your situation would.

But you weren't just anyone.  You had been walking the very thin line between life and death these past two... three?  Two or three days.  You were getting used to making ballsy hail-mary-esque moves to keep you and your brothers safe, and doing things that you didn't want to in an effort to stay alive a little longer.

When Max realized that you weren't going to beg and plead like he was used to, he continued.

"Now, you may be wondering why you aren't dead yet," he began.  "Well, the truth is, Michael acted out.  He sent his brother off somewhere, and you two are the only ones who know where Sam is.  Lucy, god bless her, is making it hard for me to get to Mike.  But you... you don't have anyone to defend you."

He had a point there.  Odds are, Lucy would want Sam to be safe, so she'd do everything in her power to keep Max from interrogating Michael.  But your parents were dead.  Your brothers were missing.  Mike was a vampire.  And... okay, were you ever really friends with that biker gang?  They were constantly annoying you, and you were always avoiding them prior to finding out about the monster thing.  Not to mention whatever happened that got wiped from your mind.

"So... can you tell me where Sam went?"

"Don't know, sorry," you shrugged.

"Don't make this harder than it has to be," he demanded softly.

"I genuinely don't know.  Might as well kill me and get it over with, 'cause I can't help you."

You stared at Max, expecting the whole glowing eye thing, and for him to lunge at you.  But he just sat there.  Staring at you.  It was somehow scarier than him attacking you.  Just sitting there, waiting for whatever he was going to do.

"You realize I won't kill you if you tell me, right?"

"Still doesn't change the fact that I don't know where he is," you repeated.

"But you know where he was."

Where he was?  Oh.  Oh.  Okay, you couldn't think about it, think about anything else... what about that song you heard on the radio?  Seemed to be all the rage.

We've known each other
Oh so long
Your hearts been aching but
You're just tryin' to say it
It's like we both know-

"You'll have to think about it eventually," Max stated matter-of-factly.  "Doesn't matter.  It'll pop up eventually.  And your song won't help you."

Never gonna give you up
It works right now though, so like hell you were gonna stop.
Never gonna let you down-

"Just tell me," Max demanded, getting angrier now.

Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie
And hurt you

And that's all you could remember.  Random bullshit distractions... seahorses... Christmas... your train tracks!  Did you make sure everything was protected properly after Paul went through your music?  Jesus, that's what your focused on?  Not your now dead parents, not the wellbeing of Sam or your brothers, but your music.

Maybe something was wrong with you after all.

"Your refusal to answer me is... amusing.  Not many people are this cocky.  I can see why my boys like you."

That was a laughable statement, to say the least.  Liked you?  How many times had they tried to kill you now?  Not to mention whatever 'the bridge' was.  Oh, and they mercilessly slaughtered your parents after you trapped them in your house.  So, yeah.  'Liked' was an overstatement.

"Please, it's no overstatement, as you call it," Max stated.  "If they truly wanted to kill you, the would have already.  They've been doing this too long to fail this many times with a single human.  You're not special or lucky, they're simply acting out."

Harsh, but true.  You weren't lucky or special, were you?  Dumb luck could only get you so far, maybe one close call with the bloodsuckers.  But how many had you gone through?  Seriously, if you could be given a proper answer, that'd be great.  You weren't sure how many times your memory had gotten screwed with, just that there was issues.  And would you have lasting brain damage?  That was another thing that would be good to know.

You saw a window in the wall behind the couch, so you looked to see if you could try and pull the curtains back.  Burning the vampire alive seemed like a good means of escape.  And one David had proved was effective.  Sadly, the sun was just setting.  You had slept the entire day?  You must've really needed the sleep, then.

"Ah, it's almost time for my boys to be joining us," Max told you.

Max stood up, and began to look around.

"Stay here.  Even if you try to run, we'll find you.  And it's only a matter of time till we find Sam."

A/n: Scooby-Doo's full name is Scoobert-Doobert.  Do with that information what you will.

Also, my brother threatened to murder me over telling him that.  We were in a Red Robin's parking lot surrounded by little kids.  Suffice to say, the parents were not pleased with him.

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