a brown belt and a pack of cigarettes

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It was friday evening. Poppy and Taylor were in there bedroom, packing there bags to head to Outerbanks. 'So, what time are we leaving at tomorrow?' Taylor asked. Poppy thought about it for a second. '8am.' 'I wanna be there nice and early, and I also wanna get outta this place as soon as possible.' She stated. They continued packing, when all of a sudden, they hear screams coming from the kitchen. 'How dare you?!' Louise shouted. 'Why would you tell them they could go? Who is gonna provide for us? Who is gonna do the housework? What were you thinking?' She screamed to Arthur. The girls looked at each other. 'Looks like mom didn't know we're leaving.' Taylor said. 'Yeah well I don't care. She's the one making us want to leave. That's on her.' Poppy stated. There parents continued fighting, but Poppy and Taylor didn't listen much. They were laid in bed. There mother came storming into the room. 'Hey! Where do y'all think your going?' She said. Taylor looked at Poppy, signalling her to speak and that it wasn't going to be her. 'We are moving out. We don't wanna live in this awful house anymore.' Poppy said. Her mom looked at her in disbelief. 'I am your mother. You can't leave my house.' 'Im 18, I am a adult. You can't tell me what to do. Plus, I act more like a adult than you do. I mean all you do is complain about us, to us. Then you hit us. And.. that's pretty much it.' Louise looked stunned. She turned away and walked out of the room without an explanation. Nothing was said between the two girls. They just went to sleep.

It was 3am, when there father came in. Taylor woke up. 'Tay, wake up.' He said. 'Dad, i'm tired. Why do I..' 'I SAID GET UP' He shouted. Poppy woke up to this scream. Taylor was about to cry. She was used to his regular lashing out, but she was scared. 'Why do you think I'm gonna let my 15 year old daughter leave the county with her 18 year old sister?' He asked this question. He didn't ask it to just one of them in particular, he asked it to kind of everyone. 'Well, my sister is 18. She is a adult. I want to go with her so I will.' Taylor said. Poppy looked proud of her. 'But you are my daughter.' Arthur said. 'And, I know i said you could go, but I only said that because i thought your mother would have wanted y'all out. But, she doesn't. Not that she necessarily wants y'all here either, but she needs ya for money.' Their father said. Taylor was sat in disbelief. Poppy was shocked, she also felt bad for Taylor.


WARNING: Abuse and Hitting coming up. Please skip this part if this makes you uncomfortable.


'Well I'm going and you or mom can't stop me.' Taylor shouted. Poppy smiled at their father. Their father wasn't too happy with this. He grabbed Taylor's arm and dragged her out of her bed, out of the room. Poppy gasped. She followed them out of the room to the kitchen. Arthur took his belt off and started hitting Taylor. 'I'm not having the fuckin shit with you young lady.' He shouted. She was crying, shouting at him to stop. He wouldn't. There mother walked in, and never said anything. Poppy knew what to do. She walked out of the kitchen back to their bedroom. She grabbed both of their bags, her jacket and her car keys and left the room again. 'Over my dead body' she whispered to herself. When she entered the kitchen again, her father has stopped hitting her sister. But their mother had slapped her once or twice. 'Your a little bitch. I'm ashamed of you to be my daughter. But I'm ashamed of your sister too so don't take it personal.' There mother said.

                           That part is over now.

'And where do you think your going?' Louise asked Poppy. Poppy never replied. She walked over to Taylor and told her to come on. They walked out of the house and over to Poppys car. Now the car wasn't a fancy car or anything. It was actually the one Poppy stole from the garage. They hopped in the car. Their parents looking at them from the door. Taylor rolled down her window, tears still rolling down her cheeks. 'Fuck yall!' She screamed to her parents. Poppy drove off, pointing the middle finger to them.

When they had left the house it was 3:37am. They had stopped for gas at a gas station at 5:42am. 'Want anything?' Poppy asked Taylor. 'Get me a coke and a pack of cigarettes.' She told her sister. Poppy walked into the store. She went over to the fridge to get her sisters drink. There was a couple standing there. 'Excuse me..' She said to them. They turned around. 'Oh we're sorry!' The blonde girl said. Poppy smiled at them and grabbed the coke. 'Is that a southern accent I heard?' The boy asked. 'So why it is. Why do you ask?' She said. The couple laughed, while the girl grabbed a Fanta. 'How come your all the way up in Outer banks? That's like a 2 hour drive?' The boy exclaimed. Poppy didn't know what to say. She didn't want to say she was coming from a abusive household and came her to get away from her parents, but she didn't want to lie to the kind people either. 'I'm moving her with my little sister. Our parents are getting old and we decided it was time to leave and let them enjoy life without kids.' Poppy said. It was a pretty good excuse. 'Oh that's great, well, see ya around!' The girl exclaimed. They walked out of the store without paying for their items. Poppy laughed, and continued to walk to the counter. '2 packs of cigarettes please.' Poppy told the cashier. 'ID?' The lady asked. Poppy handed her the ID and the lady handed it back, along with the cigarettes. '$20, is that all?' She said. Poppy never said anything. She told the lady that the couple had walked out of the store without paying, so the lady went out of the store to get em. So, Poppy done the exact same thing. Walked out and into her car. They drove off before the lady could even see she was gone.

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