a pair of crocs and a bed without a mattress

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The girls had arrived to their new home after a long drive. 'Well, what do you think?' Poppy asked. Taylor was 𝑑𝑎𝑦𝑑𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑔. 'Taylor!!' Poppy snapped. 'Woah! Calm down sis. But, yeah i guess it's good for the two of us.' Taylor exclaimed. Poppy could see she wasn't too happy with the look of the house. 'Come on, let's just go inside and look.' The two girls walked up the 3 little steps into the house. It was a small, 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom house. It had a kitchen, a living area, a office, a porch and a small backyard. It was mostly white in colour and it was in fact quite clean. 'I'll tell ya something, didn't expect it to be this clean considering where it's located.' Taylor laughed. Taylor let Poppy have the master bedroom since she was the oldest, but they both had their own bathroom around the same size. The girls started to unpack there bags, but sooner got into a argument when Poppy thought Taylor forgot to bring her proper shoes, not just crocs. 'I didn't forget my shoes, there in my bag!' Taylor exclaimed. 'Then why did I just get a message from Casie that you posted to your snapchat story 'forgot my shoes' hm?' Taylor did in fact forget her shoes and was left with only her crocs, but she didn't want to tell her sister that information.

They were sitting on the floor eating eggos. 'These are real good.' Poppy mumbled. Taylor never replied She was too busy eating her eggos. They heard a knock at the door. 'I wonder who that could be!' Taylor shot up from the floor. Poppy followed her. 'Why hello there! Who might you be?' Poppy said. 'Oh hi, my name is Kiara, and this is my best friend Pope.' The brunette girl exclaimed. 'Our best friend lives right over there. We saw you come in and we thought we should come say hi!' The boy said. They looked at each other. Taylor nor Poppy hadn't said anything. They never really had any neighbours before, so they weren't used to this. 'Oh, sorry.' Poppy said. 'We're just not used to having neighbours. Anyways, it's so nice to meet y'all!!' She shouted. 'It is indeed. My name is Taylor and this is my sister Poppy.' Everyone smiled. The girls invited Kiara and Pope inside. They walked in and seen the eggos on the floor. 'Eating eggos?' Kiara asked. 'There our favourite. It's all we ever really at back home. All we could afford.' Taylor said. They walked past them and into the living area. They were talking for a while. 'So how old are the both of you?' Taylor asked. 'We're both 16, and so is our other friends, JJ & Sarah. But John B is 17.' Pope explained to Taylor and Poppy. 'I see, we'll I'm 18 and Taylor is 15 so we're all similar in ages!!' Poppy exclaimed. They actually talked for a really long time. It was 3:54pm when Pope and Kiara left.

Soon after Taylor and Poppy got into the car and were off to the furniture store. They decided since they just moved house they should probably get the needed furniture. The girls didn't have much money, but they had enough to get necessities. 'I'm gonna need 2 beds, a sofa, a table and 2 chairs please.' Taylor told the man. He brought them over to see the beds. 'We're getting the cheapest one.' Poppy whispered to Taylor.' It turns out the cheapest bed wasn't so 'cheap'. '$100 IS THE CHEAPEST? That's an outrage.' Poppy complained to the man. Poppy tried to get the price down as she was good at that stuff. She actually done a pretty good job. She got the beds down to $70 each. That's the lowest the man would go. She done the same for all the other bits of furniture they needed aswell, and managed to get everything + 2 extra chairs for $400. They drove home with everything in the back. 'It's just a lil squished but you'll manage.' Poppy said. They drove home blasting Taylor Swift. They got home and immediately started building their furniture. It wasn't long before they realised they hadn't bought mattresses for the beds. 'Oh shit, what are we gonna do' Taylor said. 'You think I have a clue? Not a chance.' Then the door knocked again. Taylor ran to the door. She opened the door and it was Kiara. She wasn't with Pope this time, but she was with another blonde boy. 'Hey Taylor! Mind we come in for a few? I need to ask you something!' Kiara exclaimed. They both came into the house. 'Who are you?' Taylor straight up asked the blonde boy. 'Oh hey, my names JJ.' Jj said. Taylor smiled. She secretly thought the blonde boy was super hot. She ignored her thoughts. 'Well, what is it you wanna ask me?' Taylor asked. 'So, we were all wondering if you and Poppy wanted to come over to the château tonight?' Kiara said, excitedly. 'Oh sure!! Let me ask Poppy.' Taylor ran to get Poppy. Poppy came running out to tell Kiara thank you. 'You can call me Kie. It's my nickname everyone calls me!'

They went to the château at 7:12pm. They knocked the door. A blonde girl answered. 'Hi my names- wait..' Poppy paused. She looked at the girl. The girl looked at her too. 'Your the girl from the gas station!' They both said at the same time. All 3 of them started laughing. 'Yep, I still remember that southern accent!' Taylor and Poppy went into the château. They introduced themselves to everybody. It turns out the girl and boy from the gas station are John B and Sarah. 'John B, I've a question for ya.' Taylor asked. 'Go ahead. Shoot.' John B said. 'Why is your name John B and not just John?' Everyone laughed, even John B. 'It's because my dads name is John too, and my middle name starts with a B so that's basically it.' He explained. They all continued to talk and laugh. 'I'm just gonna go outside for a sec.' Taylor said. She walked up and went outside to the porch. She took out the packet of cigarettes and her lighter. She lit her cigarette and smoked it. All of a sudden, the blonde boy came behind her. 'Oh hey, sorry to bother you.' Jj said. Taylor shook her head, telling him that it was okay. 'You want one?' She asked him. He nodded his head and laughed. She gave him one. And he done the same as her. They stayed outside for a bit. They talked for a while. Taylor soon realised Jj was a very funny person. She really liked him. 'So, are you dating anybody?' Taylor asked Jj. 'Nope. I'm single. I do like this one girl though.' He said. Taylor was curious on who this mystery girl was. 'Who is this girl you say?' Taylor said. She looked at him with curiosity. He looked at her with a smile on his face. Taylor didn't really understand that he was trying to tell her it was her. 'I can't tell you that Tay.' Jj said. 'Omg, he called me Tay. My life is complete' She thought to herself. She laughed it off. They walked back inside to see everyone stood up in different spots than they were when they left. Poppy was with Kiara and Sarah while John B and Pope were playing a game. Jj and Taylor sat on the couch together. 'Where do you live J?' Taylor asked him. He smiled. 'Oh, I'm staying here at the minute. My dad, he's not the best dad in the world.' Jj said. Taylor felt a spark. They had something in common. It definitely wasn't the best of things but it was something. 'Oh, my dads not great either. He gave me all my bruises.' Taylor looked upset. A few tears came rolling down her face. 'Same with all mine, my dad he.. wait, are you crying?' He paused. He noticed that the poor girl sat their with tears in her eyes. He hugged her. Taylor started to cry even more when this happend.

'Yo, Tay, we gotta go! It's 12:48am' Poppy shouted on Taylor. 'Poppy are you drunk?' Taylor questioned her. 'Maybe. So what if I am, come on we gotta go.' Taylor stood up beside her sister. They were walking out of the château. 'Wait, we have no bed. Where are we gonna stay?' Taylor said. 'Shit. It's okay, we'll have to make space on the floor!' Poppy said. 'Y'all can stay here if you want?' John B offered the girls. 'Nah we're good. You've got enough people here already.' Poppy said. Taylor was a bit sad. She thought if she stayed over she could have a chance with Jj. 'No it's fine. Don't worry about it. We have enough room for y'all.' Jj said. The girls laughed and decided they would stay over at John B's house.

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