a 'really' look and a pint of beer

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Taylor and Poppy stayed over at John Bs house that night. They were a little squished seeing the two girls had to share, a single bed. 'Move over bitch' Taylor said to her sister. Poppy gave her a dirty look. 'Your the one taking all the blanket.' Poppy replied back. 'Well i'm sorry we only have this tiny little blanket to share.' They heard someone walking about outside. They froze. The girls stayed quiet. Then the mystery person walked in. 'What's all the fuss about?' It was Kie. Taylor and Poppy giggled. 'Taylor keeps on taking all the blanket and is telling me to move over.' Poppy told Kie. Kiara looked at her with a 'really' look. 'Okay then. Taylor there's room on the pull out couch beside me. You can come there. Up you get.' Kiara said. Taylor jumped out the bed and gave her sister the middle finger while walked out of the bedroom. It was the next morning. Everyone was up quite early, except for Jj. When he walked into the room, there was another 'really' look. 'What? It's only 2pm? What's the big deal?' Jj said when we came out of the room. Everyone laughed. 'It's only 2pm..' Taylor said, mocking Jj. Everyone continued to laugh and eat their lucky charms. 'So who wants to go surfing today?' John b suggested. 'Sure! It's such a nice day out.' Poppy said. Everyone looked shocked. 'You surf?' Jj asked. Poppy and Taylor nodded their heads. 'Both of you?' Kiara added. The girls nodded their heads again. 'But, you both come from Texas. There isn't much surfing out there.' Pope said. 'We learned when we went on vacation last year. And now we take trips every weekend to our nearest beach to surf. But with the beach right here it's great!' Taylor explained.

Soon enough everyone was out surfing. 'Go Jj!!' Taylor shouted. 'Thanks Tay!' He shouted back to her. Taylor blushed. She thought no one noticed, but she had thought wrong. 'Little crush on Jj huh?' Sarah came behind her. 'Oh my god you scared the shit outa me.' Taylor laughed. 'So you do?' She asked. Taylor looked at her with, yet again, a 'really' look. 'No i do not and don't ever say that again.' Taylor put her foot down. 'You don't gotta lie to me. I can tell you do.' Sarah added. Taylor laughed and surfed away. 'Hey guys, I'm just gonna go to the shack and grab a drink! I'll be back in a few.' Poppy shouted to the Pogues. They all gave her a thumbs up. Poppy walked into the shack. There was all new people she had never seen before. 'A beer please.' She asked the bar tender. 'Wow. Who are you? I've never seen you round here.' It was a boy. Poppy had never seen him before, but he definitely was not broke. 'Well, who are you? I've never seen you either.' Poppy asked the boy. 'Southern accent? I like it. My names Rafe Cameron.' He said. Poppy looked confused. 'Ohh, is your sister S-' Rafe stopped her from speaking. 'Yes, Sarah's my sister okay.' He said. Poppy was confused once again. Why would he be so afraid to say his sisters Sarah? 'Well you seem like a nice lady. Could i buy your drink?' Rafe asked Poppy. 'Of course you may!' Poppy exclaimed. She stayed and talked with Rafe for a while. 'Well I better get back out to my friends.' Poppy said to Rafe. 'Wait, who are your friends?' Rafe asked. 'Oh you know, John B, Jj, Sarah, Kie, Pope' Poppy explained. 'Of course they are.' Rafe whispered under his breath. Poppy was confused, AGAIN. 'Why is that a problem?' Poppy asked. Rafe looked at her. 'No it's not, but just so you know i will never be hanging out with them.' Rafe said. Poppy was surprised. She left shorty after that. 'Well where were you?' Jj asked Poppy when she arrived back. 'I met a new friend. Rafe.' Poppy told them. Everyone was shocked. 'Sounds like a nice guy, when can i-' Taylor was interrupted by Jj. 'No. You will not be meeting him. He's not a good guy Tay.' Jj said. Everyone looked at Jj, then back to Taylor. 'What are you my boyfriend?' Taylor said that without thinking anything of it. It wasn't until after she had said it she realised. Jj blushed at this comment, and Sarah noticed again. 'Did Jj just blush at the boyfriend comment?' Sarah asked laughing. Everyone looked at Jj with a 'really' look. 'Okay guys this is cute and all, but why is Rafe so bad? He was so kind to me. And, he bought me a few drinks.' Poppy said. 'You went off drinking with Rafe? Seriously?' Kiara said. Poppy looked surprised at this comment. 'Okay Poppy here's everything you need to know.' Pope started to explain.

Once Pope had finished the story, Poppy and Taylor soon understood why they didn't like Rafe. 'So, you promise not to see him again?' John B said with a smile. Poppy looked around. She noticed everyone was looking at her. 'Guys, I know Rafe isn't the best person, but i'm aloud to have friends other than yall, so I ain't promising nothing.' Everyone was shocked, even her sister. 'Are you serious Poppy?' Taylor said. 'Pope just explained that Rafe bet Jj AND Pope up over some stupid shit and he is such a bitch to Sarah and your still going to hang out with him? That's some bullshit sister.' Taylor said. Everyone was proud of Taylor for standing up to her sister. 'Good on Tay.' Jj said with a smile. Taylor smiled back at him. Once again, Sarah noticed. 'Guys this is no time for flirting.' Sarah said while giving Taylor a side eye.
'Look, I'm gonna go. Taylor if your gonna be a bitch to me, don't bother coming home tonight. I'm sorry i made a new friend and you can't accept that.' And with that Poppy got up and left. Everyone was left with their jaw on the floor. 'Guys i'm sorry about her.' Taylor started. 'I'm sorry to ask this but John B can I stay at yours again tonight?' Taylor asked politely. John B nodded his head. Taylor smiled at him as a sign to say thank you. 'Come one, we better go.' Kiara said. All of the pogues got up and left to go back to John Bs house.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2023 ⏰

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