~ Chapter 2

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Kaveh's POV:
"Alhaitham, mind helping me doing some chores before we go out to work?"

God he wont take off his god damn headphones, its so annoying and the fact that he doesnt want to help me clean up his mess. Maybe I should talk about what happend yesterday, eh no he would ignore me anyways.

Kaveh and Alhaitham decide to go home after they were done with their work. When they head out Kaveh accidentally trip on a rock on their way out, Alhaitham catched Kaveh and both of them started to blush.

"Oh uhm, thanks i guess."

Why did he catch me? I should've overthink this much and his arms around my waist its just, I don't know what to say.

Alhaitham's POV:
"Right, your welcome Kaveh."

Why did I catch him? I could've care less if he fell down, and his small waist I really- No Alhaitham control yourself, hes just your childhood friend.

Alhaitham started to walk out of the bathroom, he was taking a shower and suddenly Kaveh bump into him accidentally.
Kaveh started to Blush and he ran away from him, forgetting what he was to say to him.

Alhaitham's POV:
"Did he just bump into me?"

Hes so clumsy and I thought I heard something from him, maybe its about the books? Man I don't know.

Alhaitham Started to walk into his room

"Kaveh, where did you put my shirt."

He yelled

I thought he did laundry today, did he forget? If he did im gonna end him.

Kaveh's POV:
I can feel his chest its-

Kaveh heard Alhaitham's yell

Oh fuck, I thought it was his turn to do laundry and the fact that we both have to go work.

Alhaitham started to go into Kaveh's Room

"Oh umm Hi Alhaitham.. I thought it was your turn to do Laundry."

"What the actual fuck Kaveh. Theres a calender right there in your room, I marked it on your calender that YOU were going to do the laundry today."

"No wait cause-"

"I heard your excuses Kaveh, let me guess you somehow forgot it even though theres a big ass circle MARKED in your Calender."

"You're so stupid, I probably have to raise up the rent because of you forgetting to do the laundry and making us late."

"What. You're joking right? You aren't going to raise it up right."

"I'm not Kaveh."

After that both of them found their own spare clothings, and both of them started to head outside the house.


Alhaitham locked the door outside the house.

"Hurry up Kaveh, we're going to be late because its your fault."

"Geez can you alteast wait? It's not my fault I'm so slow you junior. "

"Then keep it up old man."

Alhaitham kept teasing Kaveh after they reached at they reached at the Akademiya.

- Admin's note
Sorry this story is quite random, i'll try to connect it
I'll perhap might write more everday lol.

~ Why you?! ; Haikaveh // KavethamWhere stories live. Discover now