~ Chapter 6

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sorry for disappearing, in this story here's a context, And I also gotta stop writing nsfw I'm crying 🤑❗❗❗ also thank you for 2k reads ;3


After that night, Kaveh and Alhaitham
started having sex with each other for 1 hour in bed.

"H-haitham.. don't you ngh~ slow down will you?!~"

Kaveh was tired and squirmed, he tried to break out while Alhaitham was holding his hips. Kaveh tried moving around while he was running out of breath, Alhaitham whispered to Kaveh "Tired already, Kaveh? hasn't been that long." Kaveh blushed and looked away

"Just let me go. It's been too long, Alhaitham. I'm tired." Kaveh was startled as Alhaitham was biting through his skin. Alhaitham was having fun and Kaveh was tired, but he enjoyed it but didn't have any energy. Alhaitham pulled out his cock, Kaveh was relieved by what was happening but Alhaitham said, "Kaveh, would you like things to go rough?" Kaveh was surprised although it has been 1 hour.

Kaveh said "W-what do you mean? Don't you think it has been Rough already? I'm quite tired." Alhaitham was a bit disappointed but He wants to continue it cause he was bored, Alhaitham started to pressure Kaveh that they can continue or Not. As you know, Kaveh agreed to Alhaitham since they're a couple now.

"Ugh fine, Only this once alright? I'm so tired-" Alhaitham started to put his cock into Kaveh's mouth "Did you expect this, Kaveh?" Alhaitham started to chuckle While Kaveh was surprised and blushed. and looked away, Kaveh tried to suck his Cock while not looking at him while blushing, Kaveh tried to speak but Alhaitham's cock was in the way. "What are you trying to say?" Alhaitham patted Kaveh's head, and Kaveh pulled Alhaitham's cock out. "Alhaitham. don't do that, Please." Alhaitham was surprised but he started teasing Kaveh.

TIMESKIP AFTER THAT !! (I'm sorry, I can't write NSFW 😭)


I'm surprised Kaveh fell asleep, guess it's a fun night huh? I should maybe clean him up, the bed is filled with cum. I don't know what to do now, It's almost morning and I have work to do and I maybe should've played with him that long *chuckles* Oh well. I'll just clean him up.

*walks to the bathroom* Geez, he has a lot of conditioners in his bathroom, what am I supposed to use for him? I'll just the soap to clean him.


Alhaitham started rubbing soap on Kaveh's skin, he was blushing a bit but he was used to touching Kaveh. He started to wash Kaveh's Hair using his conditioner, he was a bit confused cause he has no idea why there was some specific use for some of the conditioners, he used some.

After cleaning him up, he wanted to make him wear an "outfit" by making him wear a bunny suit outfit for him. After that, Alhaitham put Kaveh in bed. Alhaitham has work to do so he went to the Akademiya.


W-what the. What the fuck am I wearing? And why am I in Alhaitham's bed? God, I have work to do! huh, what's this message on the table? "Dear, Kaveh. Since you may wonder why you're wearing that "special" outfit that I made you wear, keep it for now. It's for the afternoon~ also, you won't have any work today. -note by Alhaitham x" That bastard.. *sighs* At least I won't have any work to do. And it's 1-2 PM, and I slept for so long. I have nothing to do I'll just make food for him, and clean the mess up. what's worst is that there's a lot of food on the ground and it hasn't been picked up by him, he's so fucking sloppy I hate it so damn much. Aha, it's fine, I just gotta finish cleaning up his mess. I wondered why I fell asleep that night. Is it because he was u-uhm fucking me too much??! Aha. Maybe not it's probably because I was too tired 

Around 3-4 hours later, Alhaitham came home.

"I'm home, Kaveh!~" Huh, he came home already and... That fast?! I'm still not done tidying up the bedsheets. "Oh my, Kaveh. You still haven't taken off that outfit I made you wear? *chuckles* god, You took things seriously huh." What is he talking about? Oh right. I forgot I had been wearing this "special" outfit he made me wear. "Aha. How dare you talk to your senior like that!? At least show respect." It's so embarrassing that he made me wear this. "Let's take this to your bedroom, Kaveh." "Why my bedroom?! H-hey why are you picking me up like that, stop!!"

I'm so sorry it's so short and sorry for the disappearance I was too lazy to write and at least I kept my promise smh, Anyways Chapter 7 will be coming !~

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