~ chapter 7

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Hi, this Wattpad story contains NSFW stuff and jokes again. ;3
(I'm a guy, Don't mistake me for a fem. Please.)
Also, I wrote this without reading them so there might be some minor mistakes cause im using Grammarly.

Alhaitham and Kaveh agreed to start being a couple after a few nights together in bed, But they don't wanna let the Sumeru people know that they were dating, so they decided to keep it between themselves. At work, Alhaitham was very much in love with Kaveh by looking at him while he works and he does nothing. Kaveh started to notice Alhaitham not working. Kaveh started to go in front of Alhaitham and smacked him with a book "Could you cut that out, Haitham? Go back to work will you." Alhaitham started to chuckle and blush a bit, The Scholars saw what Kaveh did to Mr. Alhaitham and they started to flee out of the scene without being a part of it. "Would you look at that, Kaveh? You made the whole Scholars leave at this area." Kaveh was a bit confused about why Alhaitham was licking and biting his lip. "Hey, What's wrong with you? Why are you looking at me like that." Alhaitham started to pin Kaveh to the table and he chuckles while pinning him down. "My my, Kaveh. Wanna do that one time that we did in bed but at the table?" Kaveh started to cover his mouth from embarrassment and shock, he started to blush like a tomato "W-what do you mean by that? We're at the academia you can't be that serious." "Oh, why not? It will be so much fun. I miss your little moaning noises, Kaveh. Why not do it now?" Kaveh started to stop Alhaitham from doing what he was about to do. Alhaitham put his finger to Kavehs mouth and started to do stuff with his Tounge, Alhaithams other finger started to get into Kaveh's inside shirt and started to touch his body in front.

CONTEXT: Alhaitham pinned Kaveh to the table, he put his finger into his mouth and his other finger/hand was him touching that you know hole thing in his shirt.
Also sorry for the disappearance, I have started going back to Highschool. ;3

Alhaitham started to tease Kaveh more by playing Kaveh's Tounge with his finger. "A-Alhaitham s-stop!" He said mumbly. Alhaitham was enjoying what was happening "Can't hear you~ Say it more properly." Alhaitham stopped what he was doing with Kavehs tongue and started to touch his bangs. "C-can you please stop? It's so embarrassing out in public."Alhaitham saw Kaveh whining and started to whimper and cries a bit from the embarrassment. He felt bad but he wanted to have one last kiss before they started to continue their work "Kaveh, may I please have one last kiss with you before we started to continue our work, Sweetheart?" Kaveh nodded and he and Alhaitham started kissing and twisting their tongue with each other while both of them run out of breath and started to drool a bit but they haven't stopped just yet. "Kaveh, I want you so bad." As Alhaitham said humbled. "Haitham, I love you and I want you so bad." After they stopped kissing, Alhaitham started to chuckle and kissed Kaveh on his finger and both of them started to continue their work.

Time skip after 9 hours of their shift, and Kaveh has finished his. Alhaitham still hasn't finished his work yet, Kaveh decided to go to Alhaitham's office room which Alhaitham is still in there. *Knock knock* .. "Come in." Said Alhaitham. "Hey, sweet pie. How's work?" Said Kaveh flirtatiously, Alhaitham didn't notice Kaveh went to his office until he heard his voice, "Ah, Kaveh. Do you mind?"Said Alhaitham, Kaveh was confused about what was he talking about. The judge of what Alhaitham was doing, wants Kaveh to sit on his lap. Which kaveh still did earnestly, "Kav, I'm so tired. Have you finished your work yet?" Alhaitham said to Kaveh, Kaveh flusteredly responded to Alhaitham "Y-yea, I've finished my work" Alhaitham started to pat and stranded Kaveh's curly-ish blonde hair. "Have anyone told you that your have was this soft, Sweetie?" Kaveh covered his face with his hands while he started blushing. "What are you trying to do, Haitham? And why are you moving your legs so much-" Kaveh was shocked by what Alhaitham was doing with his leg. Pumping up and down, Kaveh won't stop blushing from embarrassment but he still enjoyed it. "Ngh... Haitham s-stop... F-stop!" said Kaveh. "Kaveh." "Yes, A-Alhaitham? P-Please stop doing that." Alhaitham had a smirk on his face and wanted to do something fun with him and Kaveh together by themselves at the academia.

Alhaitham suddenly remembered that there was a secret room for the grand scribe, grand sage, and other high ranks. He knows that the grand scribe's secret room has been rarely used/founded and no one knows but only The high ranker's know. Alhaitham started to pick up Kaveh after him sitting on his lap, "Hey. What are you doing?" Alhaitham ignored him and continue carrying him to the secret room "Hey, I know what you're doing. Are you trying to get me stripped over you? You horny ass." Said Kaveh, Alhaitham started to smirk and chuckle while smiling. "My my, you know me so well sweetheart." Kaveh started to cross his arms and he started being angry while blushing "Hey, I know your tricks alright? You always tricked me when we were having sex.' As Kaveh mumbled, The scholars there were confused about why the Grand scribe is carrying the Academiyas architect. They still somehow thought that they were just joking so they just never think about it and not took it that seriously.

Alhaitham and Kaveh had reached the secret room for the grand scribe. Alhaitham started licking his fingers and started smirking when he put Kaveh on the couch. "Kaveh, would you please take off your pants-" Kaveh stopped him from finishing his sentence. "You think I would do that for free? Fuck no, Alhaitham. I'm not doing this." Said Kaveh, "You won't have to pay your rent this month and will get a 5% raise" Kaveh was shocked and surprised by what Alhaitham just said. Although he hasn't been able to pay his rent for the past weeks so he had to agree. Kaveh took off his shirt from embarrassment but he had to, otherwise, he won't be able to find another place to stay or live cause he doesn't have enough money to stay somewhere. Alhaitham saw Kaveh his body numerous times and saw the Hickey he gave him, Kaveh started to blush while Alhaitham smirked "Why ain't you look at that" Kaveh started to stay far away from Alhaitham, on the couch? Alhaitham was going forward to Kaveh with a confused look. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Alhaitham (I don't know what it's called but it's his ear thingy)  turns red. "Darling, are you okay?" Said Alhaitham. "Haha... Aren't you supposed to finish your work just now? You have 4 hours left." Said Kaveh with a nervous look. Alhaitham grabbed Kaveh's waist as he looks at him in the eyes, "I know what I'm accomplishing, I just wanna have fun with you." Alhaitham noticed that Kaveh wasn't looking at him, He grabbed Kaveh by his chin. "Isn't that right, Sweety?' Kaveh started to freak out, "Haha. Alhaithan, I think you should try restraining yourself... It's been a few nights Already since we did that to each other." Alhaitham then thinks about it, Alhaitham (his ear thingy) turned green. "Alright then." Alhaitham started to button up Kavehs shirt. Kaveh was so surprised that he didn't or not going to have sex with him, he's still relieved he's not gonna go through that anymore.

So then, Kaveh and Alhaitham went out of the secret room. Scholars from overnight classes and work started to wonder why the architect and scribe came out of nowhere, They saw Kavehs clothes are a bit messed up and so is his hair. they thought He and Alhaitham were having a project and they thought Kaveh was going nuts because they saw how he was crazy when he was doing A project. After that, Kaveh and Alhaitham reached their office. most likely Kaveh will be headed home and Alhaitham doing his work. They both kissed each other with their tongues touching as Kaveh bit his. Alhaitham started to chuckle after they finished their kissing, Alhaitham kissed Kavehs forehead before Kaveh head home while Alhaitham started to do his work.

In the end, Alhaitham went home and was tired and told Kaveh to take off his clothes both of them did sex and then they both slept with each other.

thanks for reading this!! I was writing this for like 3 days... There's still more I believe, it's not over yet.

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