Chapter 1: Friend Or Foe

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The two winged cats gazed around at the gaping BlazeClan cats for a moment before chuckling, and Goslingpaw noticed that the silvery tom two pairs of wings quivered as he laughed.

"I feel like more specific introductions are necessary, so I shall introduce us once more, a bit more clearly perhaps," the red tom meowed with a loud, rumbly purr of amusement as his mate chuckled lightly.

"I am Russet Rush of the Northern Valley Kingdoms and this is my mate Splash Sprint. I am from the Defence And Battle Guild while he is from the Hunting Guild."

Gasps rang throughout the BlazeClan cats when they realised the legends were true all along; the Valley Cats were real and alive. "Who is your leader?" Questioned Russet Rush.

Azurestar stepped forward hesitantly. "That would be me. I am Azurestar, leader of BlazeClan formerly hailing from the Pinewood Forests over the mountains." He bowed down to the two Northern warriors. "It is a pleasure to meet you."

"Ah, Pinewood Forests! That's where the logging engine went," sighed Splash Sprint. Beechwhisker stared at them incredulously. "You know what's happening to the forest?"

"Yes, I'm afraid we do," replied Splash Sprint. "But it is for a good cause."

"Good cause?!" Shouted Cragshade, Lionpaw's mentor. "They drove us out of our home!" Russet Rush merely flicked his ear before tilting his head to reply.

"It is dry season here in the town where the humans live. Your forest home could easily light on fire in this type of scorching weather. Not to mention, there are many dead trees that are decaying in the forest as well."

He blinked. "Wouldn't it be more dangerous if the humans hadn't done anything and the trees fall when it is least expected? What if the forest set on fire? The smoke would kill more cats."

"Speaking of which," the dual-winged tom interrupted. "How many casualties have you had?" Azurestar's shoulders sagged and he sighed heavily.

"Four. Two lost in the forest, two in the mountains." "Ah," sighed Splash Sprint. The two winged toms bowed their heads and mewed, "Ra'lia con'shir kia srilea'kou."

The puzzled looks given by the BlazeClan cats prompted faint chuckles from the two. "What we said translates to 'May their spirits fly high' in the ancient language we used to speak called Shadish," explained Russet Rush.

"O-oh. Thank you for your kind words," breathed out Azurestar softly. Splash Sprint suddenly tilted his head to the left gently, and Goslingpaw jumped as his earthy eyes stared straight at her.

He whispered something briefly to his mate, and soon the other's stormy blue eyes turned to stare at her as well. The two murmured something for a minute, before Splash Sprint turned back to her and beckoned her to come forward.

Blinking nervously, she awkwardly stepped forward until she was in front of the two toms. "Stars above," she thought. "They look so tall compared to me."

The glossy silver-blue tom leaned down and gazed into her eyes before using his claws to gently pull her chin towards him and he studied her face for a moment.

"It's her," he finally mewed to his mate after releasing her. "She's the one we were sent to find."

Goslingpaw stared nervously at the two toms. Splash Sprint gazed kindly at her before saying, "Little one, you name is Goslingpaw, right? That's what his majesty told us."

"Yes- wait, his.. majesty?" Goslingpaw looked at the blue tom in confusion, and her foster father behind her cocked his head with a puzzled expression on his face.

"You mean he never told you?" Russet Rush meowed in an incredulous tone, twitching his tail in surprise. "Rippling Leaf was the king of our tribe before he disappeared."

"WHAT?!" There were many gasps of shock, but none louder and more shocked than Dovetail herself. "You heard me," mewed Russet Rush calmly.

"Our tribe functions in a way that only siblings with the royal bloodline will lead the tribe. If any of the siblings happen to have kits then their kits will lead the tribe when they pass on," he explained.

"That means you are destined to take over the tribe when your cousins and our current rulers pass, though you may have to play a waiting game for quite a while," Splash Sprint purred.

He gazed to Azurestar next, and queried, "May I know who this lovely little one's mother is? Rippling Leaf wouldn't speak if his mate or her sibling when he came to visit us on our wait."

Before Azurestar could say anything, Dovetail shoved her way to the front and immediately nudged Goslingpaw away roughly, saying, "That's me! But- are you sure that disgrace is the one you were sent to find?"

She wrinkled her nose at Goslingpaw, who flinched, before hurriedly dragging Swanpaw out in front of the two valley cats who simply stared at her in disbelief and astonishment.

"Look at this angel; she'll be a better queen than that ugly, good for nothing healer! She's so much more beautiful and talented!" Dovetail boasted, and Swanpaw puffed out her chest and smiled, showing off her pristine white fur.

Goslingpaw could see the rest of BlazeClan now either rolling their eyes or looking embarrassed behind Dovetail, and for once Swanpaw's friends looked like they'd rather be anywhere else but near the white she-cat.

Dovetail's reply was met with a snort, then a cackle of laughter coming from Russet Rush while his mate simply seemed to be very unimpressed and nudged the red tom slightly. "What?" Dovetail asked, genuinely puzzled. "Am I wrong?"

"More beautiful? Please, I've seen so many pure white cats in the valley to the point your daughter's pelt is considered to be one of the commonest varieties in the Northern Kingdoms!" He laughed.

"There is nothing to sneer about being a healer either," Splash Sprint meowed sternly, his earthy gaze hardening. "Healers are the ones that help mother cats bring life to the world and heal others of injuries and ailments that bring them down."

Splash Sprint took a step forward, one pair of wings, the larger one, arched elegantly over his head, and the other smaller pair tucked in neatly at his sides. "Without healers, we would all be plagued by disease and injury, and that is no way to survive."

He narrowed his eyes at Dovetail, who was shocked by how fast the Valley Cats were to disagree with her. "There is nothing more dishonourable in the Northern Kingdoms than making fun of a healer just because they chose that path."

Upon hearing this, many of the BlazeClan cats shuffled their paws uncomfortably behind them. "Besides," Splash Sprint continued. "Only the siblings with the royal markings can lead the tribe. And look at Goslingpaw."

He gestured for her to lift her wings, and as the cream and brown she-cat did so, it revealed a white symbol of a flower looking similar to the sun.

"W-well, Swanpaw has it too, don't you, darling?" Dovetail spluttered as she turned to look at her younger daughter. Swanpaw blinked and began frantically looking at each of her shoulders and even her flank for a similar mark.


"That's says it," snorted Russet Rush derisively as Dovetail and Swanpaw tried to protest and defend themselves.

"Clearly only one cat was chosen, and that cat is Goslingpaw. Now no more wasting time as of now, we must get you all to safety and let you all gather your strength back."

"I agree," meowed Splash Sprint. "We should-"

He was interrupted however, when Lilynose suddenly screamed. All heads turned to where the horrified Shine was facing, and immediately the BlazeClan Tom's began bristling in defence.

It was a dog.

Heart Of A Fighter (Book 3): Home Is CallingWhere stories live. Discover now