Chapter 14: Elements of The North

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TW: mention of su!c!de

"Use your cool water powers again!" Squeaked Hailkit. "We wanna see!"

"Hm. Well I can't disappoint, can I?" Chuckled Splash Sprint. The sigil on his shoulder began to glow again, and he swiftly drew streams of water out from his claws.

With graceful motions, he twisted his claws and the water that streamed out gradually twisted itself into a small globe that hovered before him and the BlazeClan cats.

"You all can take a drink if you would like to, though it is much recommended you do," he meowed. "It's the only thing we'll have on this water monster."

Quickly, the BlazeClan cats treaded forth and began cautiously lapping at the liquid sphere, and much to their surprise it never seemed to shrink no matter how much they drank.

Cottonsong had gently lifted up each of her kits one by one so they could get their fill of water, and once they had finished she took her turn to get a drink.

Goslingpaw herself gingerly lapped at the floating ball of water. It was cool and refreshing, and much to her relief it cooled her down considerably.

Once all the BlazeClan cats had finished Splash Sprint and Russet Rush took their drinks before Splash Sprint flicked his claws and the water sphere evaporated into thin air.

"Now, elements. The four basic elements are Hydro, Pyro, Phyto and Atmo, or simply water, fire, plants and air," Splash Sprint began.

"Pyros are fire-benders, and they can easily transform a sizzling, dying spark to a raging inferno within minutes. A Pyro born under a solar eclipse is a Solar; they are even more powerful and they harvest their magic directly from the sun."

The BlazeClan cats gaped in awe before sneaking looks at Russet Rush, who puffed up his chest with pride.

"Hydros are water-manipulators. You've already seen what I can do; but there are two more variations of a Hydro, a Cryo and a Hemo."

"What's the difference?" Gustfang asked. "Cryos can freeze any liquid and utilise it as weaponry while Hemos can only control vital fluids like blood," Splash Sprint answered.

"Phytos such as your future queen here," he paused and gestured to Goslingpaw, who shrank back in embarrassment. "Are plant manipulators. Their abilities aren't as powerful as a Geo's, or earth manipulators, but they are capable of remarkable things."

"Atmos can change wind flow which comes handy in hunting so the prey won't scent you. They can change a simple breeze into a full-blown typhoon with a simple snap of their claws, and this ability boosts flight."

"Now, apprentices," he smiled. "Can you guess which is the rarest element of all? And you older cats shut your jaws." Immediately a chorus of answers sounded out from the group.

"No, it's Oneiro! Or is it Apeiro..."
"It's Aether, stupid!"
"Is it Latro?"

"Pause! Who said Latro?" Russet Rush asked, raising his tail. "I did!" Mewed Softpaw. "Well, someone knows her legends well!" Laughed the russet Pyro.

"Indeed, cryptids with pure Latro magic running through their veins are thought to have died out entirely! They're rumoured to be able to heal any injury with a single touch, but the last pure Latro is said to have died decades ago so we can't prove it."

"Can't they just get the other healers with Latro blood to mate and try getting a kit with pure Latro blood?" Streampaw asked curiously.

"Good question! We have tried, but so far no success," answered Russet Rush. "Moving on! We have Khaskos, who are better known as shapeshifters. They can shift their appearance to match the visual appearance of any cat they think of."

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