Chapter 20: This Is Home

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Night had fallen faster that Goslingpaw had expected, and after their final meal of fish on the water monster she had been told to rest herself first as they would be nearing the valleys soon.

Though most of the clan were resting, Goslingpaw herself felt stressed.

How was she supposed to act in the Northern Kingdoms?

Were her cousins going to be really scary?

What if she couldn't fulfil her duties properly?

Were healers even allowed to be given the chance to lead the tribe?

Her head was like a jungle; she couldn't figure out what her next steps would be at all. It was a lucky thing her foster family would be there to help her.

As the sky shine bright with millions of gleaming stars, Azurestar and Aldertrail rested on each side of her, tails coiled together.

"Why so nervous, my hatchling?" Aldertrail murmured gently as she nosed her daughter's ear. Goslingpaw sighed and leaned in to her mother's touch.

"I'm scared. What if my cousins are really scary and don't like me?" She breathed out unsteadily. "I'm sure they won't be frightening," she crooned softly. "You are a brave little hatchling, after all."

Azurestar gently grazed his tongue over her forehead. "You've braved the mountains, the RoadWalker destruction of our old home and the claws of Dovetail and Cougarstar. You are our brave little warrior."

But will that be enough? Goslingpaw chose to keep that question to herself. Azurestar suddenly twitched his tail and murmured, "Goslingpaw, how would you feel about.. new.. siblings?"

That got her attention real fast. "New siblings?" She asked in surprise.

Aldertrail purred in amusement. "Yes. Azurestar and I have been thinking of having kits so we decided to ask you first."

"I'd love new siblings! Can I name one of them?" She asked excitedly, eyes shimmering with excitement and joy at the thought of being a potential older sister.

"You're taking this better than expected," chuckled Azurestar. "Of course you can, they'll be your siblings after all." He and his mate lovingly nosed the foster daughter gently.

"No matter how many kits we have, you'll always be our first daughter," he murmured warmly to her.

Goslingpaw blinked gratefully up at Azurestar and touched her nose to his muzzle before doing the same to Aldertrail. She was lucky to have these two loving foster parents.

She yawned quietly, before laying her head on her paws. "Sleep well, dear hatchling," mumbled Azurestar gently as he laid his head down, Aldertrail doing the same.

The stars shone down on the little family as water monster cruised on.
Xiera's barking aroused the whole clan from their slumber as the water monster began to slow.

"We here," the black and white dog rumbled. "Now is time for you to go."

The two Northern cryptids leapt from their perch and swiftly touched their noses to the huge canine's own. "Thank you for accompanying us on this journey," Splash Sprint mewed.

"No issue. Must make sure winged cat friend get home safe with new friends," the canine murmured, wagging her tail gently.

She glanced over at BlazeClan, before dipping her sharp face down respectfully. "I wish you all safe lives," she rumbled. "May Stars above guide your path."

Azurestar dipped his head back to the canine, and Goslingpaw followed suit out of respect. She had gotten a little attached to the older black and white dog and her companionship.

The surroundings were misted over by fog. Swirling clouds of grey and white billowed around, and Goslingpaw felt as if she was being choked by the fog.

It was like a mysterious force of nature; the billowing fog started to fade and clear, revealing the massive island before them.

The sun was beginning to peek out of the ocean horizon, the sky turning pale shades of orange and red.

The water monster soon came to a halt at the coast, and Goslingpaw got a better glance at the island and all its beauty. It was simply massive.

On the sandy beach they were on as the RoadWalker guided them off the water monster, tall trees were scattered all over the shore, with tall rock formations here and there.

Goslingpaw watched with amusement as Stonepaw dabbed a paw at a strange creature with two big pincers and eight spindly legs, only for Gustfang to pull him back before the pincers snapped at his nose.

Xiera nosed the two cryptids once more before leaping aboard the water monster again as it began turning and heading away from the shore.

"Why was it so misty?" Vervainwhisker asked tentatively. "The mist only clears for those destined to join the ranks of the Northern Kingdoms," explained Splash Sprint.

"The sand is getting in my paws and fur!" Complained Swanpaw. "Can we move faster?"

"Do you ever stop complaining?" sniffed Russet Rush with clear, unhidden disdain in his voice. "I've never seen even kits complain as much as you."

Swanpaw opened her jaws, offended and clearly about to start complaining again, but Splash Sprint fired her a nasty glare which promptly shut her up.

Wordlessly, he gestured for BlazeClan to follow, and he and Russet Rush both broke into a run. Behind, the Prickles, along with Cottonsong, grasped a kit each and ran along.

Goslingpaw ran alongside her parents at first, but soon she gradually powered ahead and Stonepaw, Slatepaw, Softpaw and Depthpaw caught up to her shortly after.

This was it. Their new home.

After so many moons they were finally where they belonged and she would be able to continue her father Rippling Leaf's legacy with pride.

She followed as the blue and red pelts ventured through the trees that grew along the beach, watching as their tails gradually twined together as their steps seemed to match.

Maybe that will be me and Depthpaw someday, she thought. One day, but certainly not now.

Soon, the trees seemed to come to an end and BlazeClan soon raced out into what seemed like a world full of fantasy that was only visible in dreams.

The long, green grass they stood on now was covered with many gorgeous flowers. Trees and bushes grew abundantly all about the flowery meadow, with a few moss-covered rock formations here and there.

A good distance away there was a gap between the meadows what broke into a flowing river that had stepping stones within the rushing water.

Hills swathed in greenery were visible on both sides of the valley, and Goslingpaw could even see ancient RoadWalker structures that scattered the lands like stars in the sky.

She was finally home.

Heart Of A Fighter (Book 3): Home Is CallingWhere stories live. Discover now