Chapter 5: Withering Feathers

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"Tell me about the queen, please," Goslingpaw meowed eagerly as she sat by Russet Rush, who purred in amusement, stormy blue eyes shining cheerfully.

They had just completed another flying lesson, and now the two winged cats were resting by the tall willow tree that seemed to attract more birds than the others.

With the presence of the winged cats though, they seemed less excited about perching there now.

Presently, she was now asking for the russet tom to tell her about her home tribe, though she first wanted to know about the current tribal queen, her cousin and biggest possible challenge.

"Well, one thing to note about Queen Glacier Storm is that she is one of the strongest, most experienced and vicious warrios of the valley. No cat even dares to oppose her strongminded ideals as well as powerful claws, not even her own brother."

He licked her ear gently before continuing, "She isn't just strong, clever and tactical, but also intimidating, composed and never hesitates to take action. Unlike most who usually have one or two specifically developed skills, she is versitaile and adaptable to any situations."

"Any?" She asked, surprised. "Any. You could throw her into a pit of adders with her wings ripped clean off to the bone, and she'll claw her way directly to the top with her bare paws, no hesitation at all."

He paused, then glanced up at Swanpaw who was bragging away about her fur a good distance away.

"And she's also widely regarded as the most beautiful and confident leader that has led our tribe as well, so your sister has some competition," he whispered cheekily to her.

Goslingpaw giggled, and was about to ask something else but she felt something odd drop from her left wing.

She wheeled around and saw a feather, one of her primary coverts, lying on the ground. "Great Stars! What's happening to me?"

She stared in a mixture of dismay and horror. Another smaller covert then slipped lazily to the ground after the first one. The cream and brown she-cat began to tremble uncontrollably and gasp.

"What in Feronia's name is going on in here?" Splash Sprint said as he flew into the den. "Splash Sprint! I'm so glad you're here." "What's the matter, little wren?" Goslingpaw straightened up and tried to look brave. She gulped and then blinked several times

"Splash Sprint, I hate to tell you this but...but I think I am dying." "Dying? What in Aquila's Guardianship are you talking about? You look perfectly healthy to me." Goslingpaw nodded toward her paws and then bent down and picked up one of the feathers.

"How do you explain this, Splash Sprint?" He stared at her, stunned. "Explain it? What's to explain? You're molting, that's all." "Molting?"  The blue tom sighed deeply. "Hasn't my loudmouth mate told you about molting?"

"No." At this, Russet Rush looked to the side quickly, humming as if he hadn't been there the whole time.

"First of all, it's natural."

"You mean I'm not ill? I'm not going to die?"

"Never from molting. Molting is a sign of maturity. When cryptids are still young, their first fluffy down falls off and their wings get pretty unsightly."

"Then what's this?" She waved the feather in front of the valley cat. "This isn't down. This is an important flight feather, isn't it?"

"When feathers get old and worn you shed them. New feathers will be coming in a short time." "When?" He sighed again. "Please don't be so impatient, dear. It'll be a few days."

Goslingpaw breathed a sigh of relief. "So I'm not sick?" Splash Sprint shook his head gently and chuckled. "You remind me so much of Fern, Plover and Rask when they had their first molts."

"Who?" "Fern is an apprentice from our tribe and both Rask and Plover are trainees from the Hearts Of The Restless," explained Splash Sprint as he used the special edge on his talon-like claws to comb through the feathers.

Preening was one of the most pleasant social interactions a cryptid could have. As the blue-grey tom picked through the feathers, he was careful to examine for any ruptured shafts where feathers might have broken away.

"You're shedding mostly your primary coverts, little wren. No need to worry any further," Splash Sprint assured her. Turning to his russet-furred mate, he added, "Lay off flying lessons for the next few days until her new feathers bud in again."

Russet Rush nodded, but was distracted when Azurestar and Aldertrail came running. "Goslingpaw!" Cried Azurestar in alarm. "Your wings- what happened to them?! Why are your feathers falling out?!"

"Son of the God of Stars, please save me," sighed Splash Sprint as he continued combing through Goslingpaw's wings while shooting a pleading glance at his mate.

With a raucous laugh, Russet Rush turned to the two horrified parents and started to explain.
"Oh, I'm so relieved to know she's okay," sighed Aldertrail as she then smothered Goslingpaw's pelt with swift, affectionate licks.

"Mom!" Cried the cream and brown Littlepaw, squirming around. She never like being groomed by others, not even her foster parents.

While Azurestar and Russet Rush chuckled, Splash Sprint tilted his head inquisitively at the beautiful brown and white she-cat.

"Pardon me for asking," he meowed. "But are you and Azurestar Goslingpaw's foster parents?"

This caught the both of them off-guard, and hesitantly, both nodded. "Yes, we are. Why did you ask that?" Azurestar queried.

"Ah. I was just wondering which cats are responsible for raising such a fierce-spirited and brave little she-cat," he answered, smiling gently down at Goslingpaw.

"It seemed highly unlikely that such a brave and spirited little one would be raised by a disgraceful she-cat like her," added Russet Rush as he flicked his tail over to Dovetail, who was shamelessly trying to seduce Thornslash to no avail.

Splash Sprint gave a soft sigh. "It's a shame we can't say the same for her sister. She's too far gone at this rate." Russet Rush nodded. "In the Northern Kingdoms I'm positive both of them won't even last a day."

Goslingpaw wasn't sure why she felt a shiver slip up her spine at those words.

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