The First's of Many

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Brünnhilde: the first round is now over but we still need to clam twelve more victories in order for humanity to survive. Our next order of business, is to select our next representative that will help Y/N for round two.

Y/N is looking at the files wondering who should be up next for the next round while Göll is in the back thinking.

Göll: I don't know Lü Bu was the toughest hero. Without him Y/N properly wouldn't be able to defeat Thor and despite the odds, I can think of anyone is strong enough.

Y/N: Don't doubt on those odds. We have seven million years of history there should be someone who could equal to or even have greater power then Lü Bu.

He walks up to Göll and lets her head. She then looks up at him

Y/N: I promised that I will save humanity. This driver has more power than anyone could think. The true power is humans imagination and that the ultimate weapon.

Göll: I..I guess. so who could be strong?

Brünnhilde looks through the twelve files and looks at one file.

Brünnhilde: Excellent question. For our next battle, why don't we send out this fellow?

Göll and Y/N: huh?

Y/N get up and walks to see the file that Brünnhilde has chosen to be Y/N's partner for the battle.

Y/N: wait a minute.

Y/N eyes in surprised to see his partner file.

Y/N: File number 00000000001?

Brünnhilde: Yes, he's a human who despises the gods more than anybody else. Let's bet on this man with the strongest will.

Göll gets up in surprised.

Göll: file number one!


All the crowds cheer as the light begins to dim and one spot light shines to Heimdall.

Heimdall: we're back! You may recall the gruesome state of the ring at the end of round one. But thanks to divine intervention it has been restored! Is everyone ready? Because it's about time for round two!

Gods Crowd: these weak meat sacks don't stand a chance with this god! We'll make this pathetic fools go down as easy!

Human Crowd: Bring it on! This human with win! Come on Rider we're all counting on you!

Heimdall: next up for the human number one representing the hope of mankind, may he carry it through the entire match! And here he comes now!

Heimdall points to the door but instead the ground in front of the door begins to crack with that the square whole opens and a man with blond hair is being rise up high into the sky. The gods and the humanity look in shocked to see the next champion for the humans. The door for the humans open and every animal of every animal kingdom rises out for the stampede.

Heimdall: huh? Who in the world could have predicted such an entrance? Rule over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and over every living creature that moves on the ground! That's right. Thus did GOD bless out challenger making him in his own image. To think the day would come that this man would rebel and stand up against his creator!

The blonde man then jumps from his piler and lands surrounded by animals as an apple falls to his hand.

Human Crowd: there no possible way? Oh my goodness, it's actually him!

Heimdall: in other words, you could say he's a man among men. Talks about a man's man! The only thing he holds is in the weight of his fists! A keen disciple of raw, unarmed combat! The originator of original sin! If there's anyone who deserves to sock it to 'em, there no fever, it's has to be him. He's the father of humanity. Introducing... ADAM!!!

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