Ture Hero

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Jack: Let's begin on Act two shall we Gentlemen.

Y/N and Hercules: Let's!

Jack grabs his larger Knife and handful of his smaller knives ready to attack as Hercules and
Y/N both charges at Jack the Ripper.

Heimdall: it's seems that the Hero's champion of the Gods and the God killer Kamen Rider Einherjar has joined together to eradicate The most vicious, sinister, Killer of London! No one has ever thought of this turn of events.

Hercules: seems both man and Gods are more happier with this tag team.

Y/N: and apparently Jack doesn't seem upset about it.

Jack throws his Knives straight to Y/N, as he points his blaster and shoots at every knife destroying them one shot at a time. Hercules come charging directly to Jack swinging his club but again Jack stung in more piano wires making jump in the air.

Heimdall: he's done it again! Jack as strung more piano wires to avoid the fight!

Y/N: he's got something up his sleeves but to me it like shooting a bird. In a cage.

Heimdall: how long must your cheap tricks continue?

Jack: Gentlemen did you bring your umbrella?
It rains In London quite often you see sir.

Y/N: I didn't but did you wear your bulletproof vest.

Jack: A what sir?

Y/N points his gun directly at Jack and shots multiple rounds as Jack hops around the area with the piano wires he stringed.

Y/N: Hold still!

Jack: such a pity sir.

Jack throws his knives up in the air as they get caught onto the stings as he pulls the wires down so did the knives making the knife rain storm.
Y/N reacts and shoots the knives in his direction as Hercules.

Hercules: All I could do is knock them down.

Y/N: No there bouncing off the wires!

The knives then bounce off changing directions as they slices and stab Hercules and Y/N. Y/N still tries to shoot them until one hits his gun slicing it in half making his dropping it. Hercules see this as he grabs Y/N and pulls him in and shields him from the Hail Mary.

Y/N(mind): Hercules

Heimdall: what's this Hercules is shielding Y/N as he takes in the attack!

The gods are worried to see what is happing to Hercules.

Hermes: he has so many puncture wounds that should be fates even to someone as resilient as Hercules.

Göll: Brother Hercules! I can't watch this. This so to much.

As the attack stoped Hercules pulls the knives out of this body.

Y/N: Herc your bleeding too much!

Hercules: I'm fine! What about you you got any other tricks too?

Y/N: always.

Hercules with in rage Hercules club then changes into an eagle using his sixth labor Hercule Exodus.

Hercules: I call upon the Gust Summoner! Stymphalian Bird!

With one swing a just gust of wind is blown directly to Jack as tries to use is knives again but the wind was so strong the knives blew back cutting the wires parts of Jack even his eyes piece.

Y/N: nice job, now it's mine turn.

Y/N reaches from his side and pulls a purple whistle and place it to Kivats mouth.

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