Wake Up

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Y/N continues to finish his violin solo as both gods and humanity sat silent and listened.

Y/N: not the best but took a few classes.

As Y/N finishes with his solo he bows in front of Hercules and places the violin onto a table. The humanity crowds begin to mumble.

Humanity Crowd: Not Bad. Is really gonna side by the mass murder?

Göll: Brünnhilde, that violin play you don't think?

Brünnhilde: seems so, he's gonna use the one rider perfect for the arena and best suit against Hercules.

All the gods begin to argue as young gods begin to worry.

God Crowds: what does that human think that little play would fear the strongest god! Come on Herc beat them!

Hercules begins to get annoyed and angry looking at Jack the Ripper.

Hercules(mind): what is this? Lü Bu, Adam, and Kojiro Sasaki we're all men of honor, worthy champions of the human race! They commanded the respect of all who knew them! Y/N what are you doing partnering with this mass murderer? This animal who killed helpless young girls for sport? He doesn't deserve to breathe! Let alone fighting with my more with Y/N for mankind's future! I won't stand for this.

Hercules: I Won't Let You Mock Me, BRÜNNHILDE!!

Y/N: Seems he's upset with my partner.

As Hercules angrily scream at Brünnhilde, humanity begins to question on who to truly cheer for.

Humanity Crowds: I'm half-tempted to root for the gods on this one. But Y/N can't really work with this murder? Maybe he'll let the god kill him first before the real battle happens? We still need to keep this streak going.

Y/N's Gandfather jump up in front of the crowd.

Grandpa: Come on everyone! That's my grandson out there, he's defending all future children's of humanity show some pride!

He sits back down as Zen pats his shoulder.

Zen: well said old man.

Grandpa: he may be partner with the worlds most deadliest man out there in the arena but his heart will have humanity first.

Hercules turns face to face with Jack the Ripper.

Hercules: I'll only say this one time. Lay down your arms and surrender now. If you do, I'll speak to Zeus, and request that you be spared from Niflheim. You can leave here alive and keep your wretched soul. Of course, I could just slaughter you where you stand. But I'm not sadistic killer like you!

He then looks at Y/N who is having his back agents the wall.

Hercules: as for you Y/N, we don't need to fight. You and I both want the same thing. Begging a hero saving humanity, don't be on the side of evil. You already have blood on your hands.

Y/N: I know you and me want humanity to live but your fighting for the gods not for humanity which that would make you my enemy. I know your story. The hero for Justice. You where basically the fist superhero of legends, but I see you only the justice and the hero for the wrong side. I'm sorry but I won't put my arms down, but all means you on your lead sir.

Y/N(mind): "sir", where did that come from. Why do I feel so cold inside but less caring?

Jack then bows to Hercules and begins to speak.

Jack: my hood sir, I knew you were fine man when you accepted my request to hold our battle here in London. I must say I'm touched by the kindness you've shown. But I'm terribly sorry, you've made me an offer I simply must refuse.

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