Cast Off

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Y/N: alright here we go. AHH!

Y/N charges at Poseidon with his Kabuto Kunaigun drawn.

Kojiro: STOP Y/N!

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Kojiro: STOP Y/N!

Y/N: Huh? Yes senpai!

Y/N was halfway to Poseidon but falls back after hearing Kojiro call as Poseidon stands in place with no emotion.

Y/N: what going on, where fighting aren't we?

Kojiro: what where you about to do would have gotten you killed instantly. We need to plan our strategy more carefully. I've already analyzed our situation and it's not good.

Y/N: what do you mean?

Kojiro: we've already died eighteen times.

Y/N: HUH? How?

Y/N(mind): wait, can he simulate different senecios but our every move? This gonna be a tough fight. How can we fight if where just gonna get skewered?

Kojiro: like I said I'm not dying today, but I suppose, for a battle like this one, I surrender won't cut it. I implore you grant this old fool a match.

He then gets on his knees and bows as Y/N did the same.

Y/N: agreed, if I'm gonna fight the ocean tyrant then I will do it with honor.

Poseidon then looks back at Kojiro and Y/N with no emotion.

Kojiro: All right, where in it now. This is one battle you and I can't run way from. Even though you did take down won god. This one is gonna be challenging.

Y/N: understand.

Both Kojiro and Y/N stand up and gets ready for the first attack.

Kojiro: for all the pioneers who paved my path to strength. For all creation. I need to stand with me head held high.

Y/N: alright then now where taking.

Kojiro raises his sword up as wind begins to blow the arena Y/N hovers his right hand on the side of his driver belt.

Kojiro: here I come.

With quick speed Kojiro rushes to Poseidon with his own technique attack swingin his three foot long Bizen Nagamitsu, down from above with all of his might in one slash it before he could slashed Poseidon's head he quickly moves to one side before the impact.

Y/N: that was quick. I don't even blink.

Poseidon raises his trident to strike at Kojiro as his guard is down Kojiro uses all his strength to trick him as he raises his sword up with the blade pointing up his move Tsubame Gaeshi. Poseidon reached quickly and barely dodged his attack only cutting of a few strips of his hair.

Y/N: Clock Up.

Y/N his the side of his belt.


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