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Another morning rose in the Pirate Shatterverse. The two hedgehogs had fallen asleep at some point but were snoring away. Shadow held Sonic closely in their sleep as Sonic snored. The blue blur awakes with a groan. He turns to see Shadow asleep in bed with him and smiles softly.

Shadow must have felt Sonic's movement because he opens his eyes to see Sonic's green eyes staring right back at him shortly after Sonic had shifted in his arms.



"Awkward, right?" Sonic asks with a soft laugh, burying his nose into Shadow's chest fur.

Shadow lets out a shivering breath. "In a way. But it feels right at the same time." Shadow snuggles closer.

"How's your head?"

"A headache will form later in the day but I'll manage- especially after Rouge and Omega freed me did I have the worst headache." Shadow explains.

"Memory related?" Sonic asks.

"After I had started blacked out after falling to Earth, I had felt myself hit something hard before it went dark." Shadow explains.

"Do you keep a journal or something on you in case... I don't know... You don't remember anything from before?"

Shadow looks away, embarrassed to bring up what has aided his memory.

"Come on, Shadz."

Shadow sighed. "Fine... I admit, I do keep a journal, some photo albums, and -on rare occasions- trinkets from our missions before we were stationed on Mobius. When I am lacking the book, there is an audio addition to my communicator that Towers had commissioned for me to have, in case the memories become an issue. Helps writing missions down and stuff." He shifts the Inhibitor ring on his wrist to show the communicator, it remains unaffected by the dimension hopping.

"Cool." Sonic says. His belly rumbles as he sits up with a stretch. "I don't know about you, but I am gonna jog around the deck and get something to eat. You?"

"I am going to rest for a few more minutes. Don't strain yourself." Shadow says.

Sonic waves before going to the deck. The breeze hits him and it felt nice. He starts jogging at a steady pace, his belly aches every now and then but it is manageable.

"Ah, Sonic. Good to see ye up an' about!" Batten greets from the crow's nest before she flies down.

"Hey, Batten! Thanks for the assist!" Sonic said.

"Where have ye been? You have been gone for about two weeks! After you went after Dread... You never returned. I and the others feared you may have met Davy Jones down in his locker - no thanks to Dread."

"I am so sorry, Batten. Really. But the stone and I had collided as I tried to save Dread from falling to his death." Sonic explained. "Then I had met up with Shadow..."


"And that's how I ended up here with a bullet and with Shadow." Sonic finishes; by his point, all but Shadow were on deck. Sonic couldn't blame Shadow for resting, especially after that wack on the head.

"... Wow." Batten could say.

"Oh, and I... Well, I don't know if he wants to say it or not but Shadz and I just started dating."

"Oh! Well... Congratulations, matey." Batten said with a smile.

"Ay, it be good that the two of ye got together. He was a ballin' mess when he came up on deck yesterday, I'd say." Sails says.

Stuck Here With You Of All People|Sonic Prime|Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now