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"Damn." Said Eggman as the reports from the squadron of surveillance bots. There were no bodies. No emeralds either. Foolish on their end, they know but the group of Eggmen had no materials to make a fake Emerald at that moment. Regardless, shere could they be?

"You took that little pod out for a test, didn't you, Don't? How did it handle?" Deep asks.

"Unfortunately, too much turbulence and no WiFi where I went to." Don't says. "Too much grass."

"You are saying that there is another world that is completely green?" Eggman asks.

"I guess. I had to land, hoping for some WiFi access- that realm is completely green."

"Off the Grid... Send troops to that Realm. Stat!" Said Eggman.

A squad of bots zoomed out and away as they were able to blip out of the ShatterSpace.

"A perfect spot, Sonic. But this game of hide and seek is no more." Eggman turns to their new project as an exoskeleton sat bare and lifeless, its limbs either printing or needed to be screwed into proper sockets. He smiles, "A perfect rival to go against you and Project: Shadow, Hedgehog."


"You sure I won't drown?" Sonic asked as he cautiously edges the pond with his toes

Shadow rolled his eyes. "Sonic: you won't drown. Besides, we both stink. A shower is needed. With the addition that salt ruins the quills."

"... I have a feeling Rouge has been rubbing off on you." Sonic's eyes squinted.

Shadow smiled. "Perhaps. Now get your smelly ass in here before I drag you in myself." A bit harsh, given that the two had just escaped a drowning but Shadow would be sure Sonic was safe with him.

Sonic whines but obliges anyway. He takes an step in cautiously, but proceeds till he reached for Shadow's hand, who swooped him into his arms. The water was by their bellies now. It wasn't rising. It wasn't rising.

Shadow smiled before he ducks under, getting his quills wet.

Sonic repeats the motion, too. When he flipped his head up, he noticed Shadow was casually floating on the water's surface. He smiled.

Sonic groans. "No fair!"

"I can teach you to swim, if you like." Shadow offers as he swims closer to his partner.

Sonic nods, taking a nervous breath. Shadow smiles, moving just behind and to the left of Sonic.

"Bend down where your chest is touching the water..." Shadow instructs.

Sonic obeys.

"Squat the knees a bit."

Sonic follows suit.

"When you swim, it is similar to running. Right hand then left. Your feet are to be propellers to give off some speed and push. Doggy paddling is easy but still helps you get situated with the water." Shadow explains, showing Sonic exactly how it should work both ways. "I'll be right here beside you. Okay?"

Sonic gulps but nods. He followed suit with a doggy paddle as Shadow had a hand under Sonic's belly. Like a kid on a bike, taking a few simple laps until the trainer lets go. Shadow slowly removes his hand as Sonic swims but stays behind him. It wasn't long till Shadow stopped moving with Sonic as Sonic was freely swimming at this point.

"You're doing great, Sonic!" Shadow says with a smile.

Sonic then realized that he was swimming and floating in the water as Shadow ducks under to swim closer.

Stuck Here With You Of All People|Sonic Prime|Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now