Princess Ausanat

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"Ahhhhh! What are you doing?!"

"Tickling you, of course!"

"Yah! Y-you better get back here right now!"

"I don't want to! Hahahaha! Catch me if you can, sis!"

"Aish! That Sejin! I'll get you back! No one can interrupt my sweet sleep, not even you and your stupidly cute aegyo!" Ausanat yelled across the room to her mischievous sister. She then dragged herself off of her very large and fashionable bed, finally ready to start the day.

This day is going to be perfect! I'll finish all my new designs and get them into the manufacturing process by tomorrow!

All of a sudden there was a knock on her door, followed by a hissing sound.

Aish. Stupid Appa. Even though he knows I hate snakes, he still does this to me every morning!

"What is it, Appa?" she asked her dad without even trying to open the door.

"Is my little Nat mad at me? She won't let me in!" Siwon pretended to cry and be heartbroken. What a humorous side he has.

"No, Appa. I'm just putting on my makeup, and I can't get to the door right now. Just wait until breakfast to talk to me, please?" she requested of her dad, even though makeup was just an excuse to push him away from her room. She wanted peace and quiet, and she hated it whenever anyone came into her room. It always reminded her of when.... Actually, let's save that fact for later.

"Ok, fine. I'll be getting your other sisters, then. See you at breakfast! We're having your favorite today- Khao Yam!" the King informed her as he skipped off to wake his other sleeping daughters up.

When Siwon finally left, Ausanut smiled slightly to herself. She knew that even though she tended to push people away from her, there would always be those who would be in her heart forever, such as her sisters and her dad. King Siwon was so kind and loving, and didn't ever treat them differently. He loved all his daughters the same, and even though he could have the maids wake the princesses up, he always woke them up personally, unless they were the early birds of the family.

Maybe I have gotten over it. Thank you, Appa.

She then remembered what she was supposed to do and got herself ready for the day. After putting on the finishing touches of her makeup, she went out of her room,and walked downstairs toward the dining room. Some maids and butlers greeted her good morning, but she just nodded her head in response, not once giving a smile. That's why she was known as the Ice Princess-- of her school and throughout her whole kingdom. Everyone thought they knew that she was conceited because of her position, but her family knew the real truth about her, and that was why she trusted only them.

Halfway to the dining room, she saw Mattie coming towards her. The older sister looked like she had news to share with Ausanat.

"Aussie! You need to get to the library! Remember, today is our yearly 'checkup'! It'll be better if you get it done as soon as possible, so you won't have to worry about it. I know you're busy with the new projects, right?" Mattie asked her younger sister with a large smile.

Ausanat gave a crooked grin and replied, "Yeah, I'll go there now. Thanks, I guess."

"Ok! Bye! I'll be waiting at the dining room! But hurry, we're all hungry, you know?" Mattie playfully punched Ausanat's shoulders and sent her off with a comical 'shoo'.

13 Years Ago

"W-who are you?" a little 6-year-old Ausanat asked the handsome man standing in front of her.

"My my, what a cute little girl we have here! Mat, isn't she cute?"

"She sure is, Appa!" Mat replied to her dad with confidence. She turned back to face the little girl again and said, "Aussie, this is my dad! He can help you out!"

"Oh, ok," the timid child responded.

"First of all, are you by yourself, Ausanat?" King Siwon asked. This seemed like déjà u to him-- especially since his now 9-year-old daughter, Mat was right beside him.

"Yes. I-I don't know where my family is. They abandoned me," Ausanat whispered, barely audible. She had tears in her eyes and fear struck her as she remembered the vivid moments of her past. "That's all I want to say for now. I can't explain anymore, sorry."

"It's fine, darling. I think I know what I can do to help you, though," King Siwon told her with warm lights in his eyes.

"Yeah! You can become my little sister! It's kinda hard to understand you right now, though. You have trouble with the Korean language, don't you? Well, it's probably just because you haven't been here long enough. I'll help you learn, how 'bout that?" an energetic Mattie rambled on, excited about the fact that she might possibly get a little sister.

"Um, are you sure that's ok? You won't leave me if I become worrisome, will you? I promise I'll try my best, but I know I'll make mistakes!" Ausanat wanted to make sure that these people wouldn't leave her, like her family had just done. She wanted to be able to trust them, and she hopefully wished that they would love her-- something no one had done before.

"Of course! How can we ever leave such a cutie-pie?" King Siwon assured her.

"Alright, then. I'll be your daughter, Sir King," Ausanat carefully decided.

"Just call me Appa, ok?" Siwon gave the little girl a smile and called James over to hand him the adoption form.

"Here, fill this out. I'll help you, and so will Mat. You'll have to do this every year from now on, so let's start getting used to it, right?" Ausanat's newly found Appa chuckled and handed her the paper and pen. She couldn't write in Hangul, so she orally answered the questions while her new big sister wrote them down for her. They all laughed and had a heartwarming meeting while the butler watched them, smiling with an amused expression.

"Why are these forms always so long? I'm so hungry now! I don't want to miss my Khao Yam!" Ausanat said to herself while filling out the form. She then thought about Mattie, and smiled, remembering how much the latter had helped her so much during her first few years at the castle. In all honesty, she was closest to Mattie because at one point in their family, it was just her, Mattie, and their Appa. She did love those days, but she also enjoyed the company of her 10 other sisters, and she knew she didn't want to be separated from them either.

"Ok, back to the form!"

Yearly Archive Form

Name: (Choi) Ausanat Wattana
DOB: July 21, 1995
Age: 19
Ethnicity: Thai
Height: 5 ft. 6 in.
Weight: 115 lbs
Hometown: Bangkok, Thailand
• Thai (fluent)
• Korean (fluent with a little trouble sometimes)
• English (conversational)
• Long, black hair
• Serious most of the time
• Pretty, rare smile
• Fit and skinny
• Fashionable
• Blouse, jeans, sneakers, and scarves most of the time
• Clothes she designs
Stereotype: Beauty Queen
Individual Persona: Ice Princess
Favorite Color(s): Red, Black
Favorite Flower: Jasmine
• Listening to music
• Designing/ Drawing
• Reading
• Being in her room
• Bears, Foxes
• Beauty Sleep
• Bubble Tea
• Waking up early
• People barging into her room
• People disturbing her sleep
Fears/ Weaknesses:
• Snakes
• Spiders
• Ghosts
• Ticklish
• Weak right arm
• Sleeping anytime she gets the chance to
• Listening to music in class (still gets good grades)
• Talking/ Destroying things in her sleep
• Art
• Organizing things quickly
• Yelling
• Cold-hearted to people she's not comfortable with
• Nice and smiles only to her family
• Helpful but lazy sometimes
Fun Facts:
• She's always hungry
• Addicted to sour mangoes
• Owns her own fashion/ clothing line
️EXO Prince: (secret)
Questions: Thank you for your answers! They were great and I enjoyed them!
Username: wahaye

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