My Apology

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I apologize sincerely to my readers and applicants for being such a bad author. I know that I've kept you guys waiting for a long long time, but I'm working on the story. I also have my other story to work on, and I feel really bad to keep you guys waiting so long, so I wrote out this apology. Thank you for those who are willing to stick with my stories and give them a try. I will try to be a better author and update more from now on. It's also in my New Year's resolution. For me, I have more motivation when I get comments and votes, so if you can, please do comment or vote. Also, if you find any flaws in my writing or have advice for me, don't be scared to tell me by commenting or DMing me. You can also contact me if you just want someone to talk to. I'll try my best to answer you. BTW, I'm alright with you being a ghostie reader, because I'm like that too. ^_^; Again, I am so sorry. I felt the need for this little note, so please accept my apology. Thank you, also.

Added Message:
All the spots are taken up! I am sorry for those who did not get accepted, but like I have said, there are still spots for smaller roles, such as friends, enemies, classmates, even lost family members, I guess, but please don't go to far with them, hehe. Anyways, if you are interested, DM me about these roles and which one you are interested in. This application for smaller roles is open until I say so, because new characters are always needed. Thank you!

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