Princess Sejin

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"You had a detention again yesterday, didn't you?"

"W-what are talking about?!"

"Wow. That's so not obvious, Sejin. You just choked on your food and tried doing aegyo," King Siwon said.

"Ah, about that..." Sejin started to try to explain herself while her father listened attentively, gesturing for her to continue on even as her sisters, Mattie and Ausanat, came in the dining room.

"Ok. Well, there was a really stupid kid at school yesterday, and he was being just... Stupid. We were learning about turtles in science class and all of a sudden he started laughing and making mean jokes about them. Things would have been better if he hadn't gone that far, you know?" Sejin stabbed a piece of her food as she told her story, remembering about how the boy had dissed her beloved turtles.

"I think I understand, but what exactly did you do to him that you got a detention and made his family sue us?" Siwon questioned his daughter while raising his eyebrows in both curiosity and concern for the poor boy. He knew that no one would be safe making fun of turtles in front of Sejin.

"Uh... a few broken bones and maybe a few brain injuries? I don't think it's that bad. Remember the other kid back two years ago? Now that was bad." the young delinquent replied nōnchalantly without even looking at her father. At this statement, her two sisters chuckled and got louder as they laughed, remembering what their cute sister did to her bully two years ago. Let's just say that things didn't go so well for him...

"I can't believe they only gave you a detention for that. If I were the headmistress, I would have you expelled," Ausanat joked, still laughing.

"Well, what can you say? I have my ways," Sejin replied with confidence. The truth was, she was extremely cute and had many admirers in school, but she was also a troublemaker. To get out of trouble, though, "Aegyo is the way to go!" she would always jest to her sisters and father.

King Siwon chuckled along with his daughters, amused at how such his cute daughter was one of Gardenia Day School's most infamous delinquents. His advisors had warned him about Sejin's behavior many times throughout the years, but he never changed his mind about having her as his daughter. He was once a young student too, so he understood most of his daughter's feelings.

"So, since I didn't do anything that bad, it's alright, isn't it? Ok. Thanks. I'll be going now! I have to get ready to go to the mall with Jess." the delinquent tried to get her way out of a discussion, but that didn't work for Siwon.

"No, I think not, little Beagle. You must do something for your actions; I'll be paying the price of how much his family sued us, but you have to make up for it as well. Jess can't go to the mall anyways, remember? She has a concert today. We'll discuss this later when all of your sisters get here. Finish your food, also. No one is permitted to leave until we have this all cleared," Siwon spoke seriously towards the girls, but they knew that he was trying to help them. Of course he didn't want to spoil them rotten.

"Fine," Sejin sighed and chewed her food slowly while thinking about what her father was planning.

She got lost in her thoughts and eventually remembered the time she first met Siwon and her sisters.

14 Years Ago

5 year old Sejin got off the train and took her first breath of the queer land she had moved to. Of course, all she had with her was her pet turtle and a small bag with clothes and some pictures in it. What else would a five-year-old have?

She was ready to finally start her new life, as her parents called it, but thinking of all the things she had to leave home, she unconsciously let a tear fall down her cute cheeks. How could she live a better life if her parents had to abandon her? They had told her she was to come to this foreign land and just try to survive. How much did they expect of a little girl who was five?

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