Chapter 19

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Autumn POV:

The drive is awkward and quiet, other than Damian and Noah singing karaoke in the back seat.

I haven't said a single word since we left the club, all I'm thinking about is what Elizabeth said to me and how much similar she and Matthew are.

Maybe that's why Matthew's parents were so fond of the idea of me only being their baby gifter, because they found someone with the same mindset and interests as their son, like Elizabeth.

I just don't understand why they can't leave me alone, I said no two times now. I don't want to, but if I have to get the police involved in this for harassment, then I will.

I don't want this to get to a point where I can't leave my apartment, or worry that they are going to harm me in any way.

Looking out the window, seeing the few cars passing the street, realizing that it is so late.

I really shouldn't be thinking about this right now.

I made a mental note in my head of possible solutions to this whole thing, and so far, they seem good, but not good enough to drive them away.

When we reach a red light, a pair of eyes are burning through the side of my head. I turn around and I'm met with James's eyes, it is filled with worry and a hint of curiosity.

"You okay?" He asked, flicking his eyes to the red light and back to mine–so he doesn't miss the green light.

Being pulled from my train of thought, I sat up right, "Yeah, why?"

The light turned green, James turned back to face forward as he was still talking to me.

"Well I mean, you are awfully quiet over there, now that I think about it–ever since you said that you wanted to leave, you haven't said a word, like at all"

I panicked a little, I didn't want James to worry about me like something terrible is going on, which there is, but he doesn't need to know that.

"Yeah" I finally answered, "I'm just tired and all, you know?"

"I guess" He quietly said.

No one talked after that, it became incredibly awkward after that, not even the two in the back seats, I didn't even notice that they fell asleep after the many songs that they sang.

After a long drive, we made it to Damian's apartment complex. As for I have never been to his place before, I looked around as I admired the building as a whole.

His building has many more floors than mine, and it looks like it has more of a lobby, where you can actually go in and sit down–instead of walking in and going straight to your apartment like mine.

Turns out his place is not so far from mine.

As me and James help Noah and Damian out of the car, I put Damian's arms around my shoulder and James does the same for Noah. From there, we all go inside the lobby as Noah and James take a seat on one of the couches.

All of us came up with this plan in the beginning, before I went to the bathroom—James drives all of us to Damian's apartment complex, so his car won't be left at the club. I take Damian to his apartment, while James calls an uber for him and Noah.

They plan on staying at James's place until the morning.

As we said our goodbyes, I led the way as Damian followed suit, barely.

We entered the elevator as it took about ten minutes to find out which key it was to unlock his apartment and what number his apartment was, because he was just not cooperating.

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