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I recreated some stuff so it's not just a 5 chaptered story.

I recreated some stuff so it's not just a 5 chaptered story

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Name: Aiden Ashworth

Age: 22

Height: 6'5

Aiden Ashworth is the perfect gentleman, always wearing his impeccably tailored butler's suit. But it's not just any suit. It's a bulletproof suit that bounces off any attack. Aiden takes his job seriously, and he has to be prepared for anything to protect his client, the wealthy and influential Andrea Lexin.

He is not just a bodyguard to Andrea, but also a confidante and a friend. However, when Andrea starts to show interest in him, Aiden is at a loss. He tries his best to brush off her flirtatious advances, but his loyalty to her never wavers.

Andrea Lexin is a three-headed hydra with different personalities. Her red head is fiery and impulsive, her blue head calm and collected, and her green head is cute and nice. Despite her wealth and influence, she has a hard time finding love. Her parents have tried to set her up with eligible suitors, but none of them have piqued her interest.

Enter Aiden Ashworth. Andrea doesn't know why, but there's something about him that she finds intriguing. Maybe it's his unwavering loyalty, or maybe it's the way he always knows just what to say to make her feel better. Whatever the reason, she can't resist his charm. But Aiden is not just a love interest. He's also the one person she trusts with her life. As their relationship deepens, Andrea begins to realize that Aiden is more than just a bodyguard or a butler - he's the one person who understands her in a way that no one else can.

As he continues to wonder, he will know the reason why.

As he continues to wonder, he will know the reason why

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Name: Andrea Lexin (Nnecgrau)


Height: 8'11

Andrea Lexin is the heiress to a vast fortune inherited from her family's successful business ventures. Despite her wealth, she has always struggled to find love due to the intimidating nature of her three heads, each with their distinct personalities. Her parents, eager to see their daughter settled down, have tried to arrange numerous unsuccessful marriages for her.

However, everything changed when the fire nation-

However, everything changed when Andrea met Aiden Ashworth, who masquerades himself as her butler. She was drawn to him, despite his reserved and professional demeanor, and couldn't shake off the feeling that there was something different about him. Though Andrea is unsure why she's attracted to him, Aiden's heart of gold and his unwavering loyalty to his job as a bodyguard only add to his mysterious allure. As they spend more time together, Andrea begins to question her parent's choices and whether Aiden could be the one to finally break through the barriers of her three personalities and capture her heart.

 As they spend more time together, Andrea begins to question her parent's choices and whether Aiden could be the one to finally break through the barriers of her three personalities and capture her heart

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