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You'd had an amazing birthday so far. Alice had taken you out shopping, or more you had taken her as you showed her a muggle mall - something she was enthralled by and ended up getting herself some bits too. She insisted on buying you a new party dress; your most expensive and beautiful one yet, which did make you suspicious. Then you both went to your favourite restaurant, meeting Remus, Peter, Marlene and James inside. But suspiciously - no Sirius or Lily. You knew that they wouldn't ditch on your birthday, so they were definitely up to something.

"Happy birthday (Y/N)!" They all individually greeted and handed you their gifts. Peter had gotten you a rare book on herbology, Alice an enchanted candle, Marlene a beautiful silk dress decorated with small gems, James a powerful purple crystal he knew you'd use for some slightly naughty spells and Remus a sparkling silver necklace adorned with a charm of your patronus. You were taken aback by the cost and consideration of the gifts, all of them were perfect and you felt grateful to have friends that knew you so well. The necklace was your favourite though, you put it on immediately.

Dinner was a laugh. You decided to ask them where Sirius and Lily were - despite having a pretty good idea - just to watch then awkwardly squirm as they lied. "Pads is shopping!" Peter quickly spoke but James had spoken at the same time, claiming "Still asleep." He shot the mousy boy a glare before continuing "And Lily is shopping. What he meant to say was Lily is shopping."

A few hours later, you were alone with Alice. She told you to wear the new dress and get ready to go out clubbing. At this point you weren't sure if you were actually going to a club, but either way you knew that Lily and Sirius would be there - this was the "surprise". You were very excited nonetheless, doing your hair and makeup to perfection and looking divine in the dress. Alice held your arm and said "Close your eyes" before apparating you both.

Upon landing, you kept your eyes closed for a second before you heard cheering and clapping all around you. It was a huge white tent set up covered in extravagant decorations and full of all the people you loved. Black chairs and tables were set up, along with a bar, a dance floor and a small kitchen - all adorned with flowers and glitter. There were even mini chandeliers floating above the tables and colourful butterflies fluttering around the flowers.

You stood in shock for a second, taking it all in as you looked around at the faces of the people cheering for you - at least a hundred - but a smile quickly spread across your face as Sirius came to the front of the crowd and cheered the loudest.

"Happy Birthday (Y/N)!"

He could see that you were still shocked and so turned around to everybody and shouted "Let's get this party started!" turning some of the attention away from you. As the music began to loudly play and guests headed towards the bar, he quickly wrapped one arm around your waist and placed a kiss on your head.

"Godric Sirius! This is nuts, how did you-" you began to stammer but he cut you off by kissing your lips and whispering "I couldn't have done it without Lily" earning a smile from you. A few people had started to crowd around you now, wanting to give their presents and talk, so Sirius sent you a cheeky grin and stepped away - much to your hidden dismay. "Happy birthday (Y/N)! It's been so long!" Mary Macdonald squealed, handing you a present. And so the greeting of everyone began which, despite your immense love and appreciation, got tiring after a while as all you wanted to do was dance with your boyfriend. Luckily, Lily had stuck by your side in helping you greet and soon a huge pile of presents had built up in the corner of the room.

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