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Dabi's POV

I always had a crush on boss. Let's be honest: he's the only man I can insult and he won't take it to heart. We grew up together and was childhood friends, so, we decided to go to the same high-school , but that's where our personalities got the best of our hormonal asses, and we parted. That didn't mean it was over, we were just busy finding out life, and what we are, and who are friends were.
Eventually, my crush started when we were in sophomore year. How did it come about? When he and I studied together and I got a boner- I'm kidding. It was when I realized,  life was better with him than any boring chick I had ever dated, and I could ACTUALLY see myself getting married to his crusty ass.
Anyways, that year, he convinced me to join a nerdy game club, when I was a cliché basketball jock. Our first game together was Mafia and Mario Bros. We had just the best fun playing each other,  it was almost like the world was revolving around us.
Ever since then, I've been through some shit. From traumatic turn of events to life changing moves. He made the League of Villains, LOV for short. I automatically joined because...why the fuck not? I didn't have any better plans in life anyways. College? Can't. Job? Depressing. Purpose? Depressing and I didn't know what the fuck to do with my life besides ending it but couldn't because I had a reason to live. A person to live for.
All I knew is that it would be safer sticking together, rather than going separate paths. So, I just embraced the fact that my life was meant to be fucked up. At least I can tolerate it with someone just as fucked up as me. We can be miserable together. 
"Can you stop being in a train of philosophical thoughts when I'm asking you a simple question Dabi?! The fuck do you want?-Actually, just order it yourself,  you're loud enough."
Shit. He was right. I still had to answer.
"OK, uhhh. Give me a order of a 20 PC chicken nugget, medium fry, and large HiC." I ordered. "OK, will that be all?"
"Add two apple pies please!" Toga replied jumping like a child. She is too grown for that behavior, but then again, I'll always see her as a little sister meaning: she'll always be annoying in my eyes. "Make it three," I, a hypocrite, responded. " OK, your total is $32.95. Drive up to the second window." Shiggy showed a sigh of relief as he drove to the second window. He hated talking to people,  especially in restaurants.  A drive-thru gave him even more anxiety since he had to come out of his comfort zone AND make sure not to crash into anybody. It was wrecking his nerves and brain, I could tell. So, I wanted to help him get his mind off things.
" So how's the kids?" I asked with a smirk, lowkey in a flirting mood. Shiggy wasn't having any of that,  his face was just irritated already as he knew I was about to say some stupid shit just to mess with him. "What kids are you talking about Dabi? The ones in the car or in my big balls?" He responded.  Ohhh~ I could tell, this was going to get interesting quickly. "Please, I'm talking about the car because your balls are probably dried out from how crusty your ass is," " So you look at my ass? Dude, you sound gay. Not that there's nothing wrong with it. There's always a fruit amongst the bunch." Toga was in the back cackling at the burn. I mean , he wasn't wrong. But damn, I got to think of a comeback and fast. " At least I get girlfriends and not digital ones." Shigaraki looked at me with pure shock, he didn't expect me to go low in a McDonald's drive-thru. " You -" Shiggy was cut off from the man at the window finally giving us our meals. Once we checked for everything, we drove off as if nothing happened.  And I wasn't satisfied with it.

--At the hideout/HQ--

I was eating some of my fries before they got cold. We had an air fiyer- which was like my best friend, but Kurogiri just had to touch my shit. And ended putting it in a warp gate "accidentally". He isn't petty like Shiggy, but I don't put nothing past him. He could just have malicious intent for how I "disrespect" boss that he is ever so loyal to. Yeah, whatever. That's just pure evil. Now when I eat out,, which we do often, I have to be a glutton and eat on the spot before it gets cold.
I tasted the salt on the fake nuggets, it was delicious.  BBQ and sweet N' sour sauce to dip it in. "Damn, is it..... bussin'?" Twice said nervously. He was like a father figure of the LOV besides All For One. Him using new slang is cringy, but... he's my dad, boogy-woogy-woogy. Giggidy-gigiidy. "Yeah, it's hella bussin,'" I snorted. Shiggy laughed at his wholesome attempt at slang. "So where'd you learn that one from?" Shiggy asked. "Facebook." "Oh God.  You still use that? I thought I told to to Integrate to Instagram or at least Twitter?" Shiggy scolded. "Let him be. I also use Facebook until this day." All For One chimed in. Everyone got silent, lowkey scared of this man. But he's chill and pays decent money, so, I could care less. " Well, social media is social media. Anything can be found on all platforms. But anyways,  want some of my fries AFO?" Everyone started chuckling while Shiggy gave me a death glare. He's the boss of him, so he felt I was being "rude", and I honestly don't give a fuck. However, I heard a deep chuckle from All For One's direction, so he did find my joke funny. I didn't know he had a sense of humor. " I wish I could , but... vengence tastes better." He responded. "Yeah I know right?" I said. He went and got some water and sat next to Twice, who looked like he was in love with him. But I paid it no mind, eating my left-overs, cold fries, and cleaned my area. I went to my room and then I hear a knock on it. I just opened the door because Toga broke my peephole. So, now I'm forced to be bombarded by favors, annoyances, and bullshit. So I breathe before opening to see Shigaraki. What does he want? And why at night? It's literally 12 am. I'm tired as fuck. Hope it's quick.

Shigaraki: I can't sleep. We need to talk.
Dabi: OK 👍
Shigaraki: I'm fucking serious Dabi...
Dabi: Alright. Come in.

[We both sat on my bed. 🎵 I make dat ting go water. I can make tem sing my song. There's a needing in my bed-oh,In my bed-oh🎵 Nah-nah-nah-naaahh-na. -Ok, now's not the time for that song to be in my head. Gotta get serious.]

Shigaraki: Toga told me, she saw you going out on a date....with a guy.

Dabi: (That snitchy bitch!) Uhm...yeah, and?

Shigaraki: So you really into guys?

Dabi: Yeah, I'm Bi. Found out in high-school, 2nd year. (Because I fell for you, you oblivious crusty retard.)

Shigaraki: So.. you and him official or....?

Dabi: No. Just a fling, I not really into him anymore.( I never was. I was just trying to fuck tbh)

Shigaraki: So, fuck buddies? Or friends with benefits...?

Dabi: Fuck buddies,  pretty much. But we only did it like 3 times. So...yeah (Damn. He read my mind. He knows me best.) - but I'm going to break up with him soon, he's only good for sex.

Shigaraki: Damn, and that's it?

Dabi: Yep.

Shigaraki: So... who was the top and bottom?

[I had a feeling he would ask me this shit. Welp, now's time to shoot my shot.]

Dabi: I'm versatile.  He bottomed and so did I.  Have you?

Shigaraki: ....Yeah.

Dabi: (So he's not a virgin and he's been with guys too, got it.) Well, excuse me~ I didn't know your were out here doing things that were unholy.

Shigaraki: Oh shut up... but you don't love the guy, right? I mean, it would be fucked up to drag him through that and not give him a justified reason or not being honest can lead to-

Dabi: I know. I'm a grown man, goddammit. I know what I'm doing.  However, since we're on the topic, I've been meaning to talk to you as well...

Shigaraki: OK, what?

Dabi: The reason I haven't been in a "official" relationship is because I already have a love interest, and I can't give my heart away to anybody else...but you.

Shigaraki: Dabi...

Dabi: (Oh shit. He's going to friendzone me-) *gulps* What?

Shigaraki: That's the corniest thing you ever said to me... I feel the same way.

Dabi: Wait wha- *kissed on the lips, and a French kiss at that* ( I can't think rn. Wtf is going on? He's kissing me duh. But why? He actually loves me?)
Wow. Oh my gah-

(We both chuckle and THE CROWD GOES WILLLLLDDD)

Shigaraki: So, Dabi, why are yu gae?

Dabi: Wait, a minute,  who are you? Lmao. But seriously,  I care about you though. Love me senpai~

Shigaraki: OK, senpai. You are so lame.

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