5 : Flashback

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Leon walked out of Kim's office room while wiping his tears, and straightly he rush out of the house without looking his surrounding and got inside his car and his driver drove away.

As Leon looked through the window and his tears started rolling down, the pain in his heart is killing him. But he took a relief breath and relaxed on his car sit while closing his eyes.

Meanwhile the Flashback begins...

"Come on.. Alec drive faster.." Leon looked at his wrist watch and than took out his phone and dial Kim's number which was out of coverage area, and jerk off his phone while uttering "dammit..".

But when Leon get to the location, he was already late their was no one expect the lifeless dead bodies, while walking through the dead bodies he got inside of the abandon factory he saw Kim was tied in a rope attached with the pole and was covered with blood and his heart skipped a beat. Leon gulped and took a deep breath and move forward to Kim, who cough out blood.

Leon felt relief and run to Kim and while freeing Kim from the rope Leon state "Mr Kim.. Mr Kim.."

As Kim looked with his blurry vision and state weakly "Leon what are you doing here..you shouldn't be here.. fast get out of here.. this factory is full of granite.. soon gonna explode.."

"No.. Mr Kim .. it's my fault for arriving late.." Leon state and held Kim and state to his guards "boys make sure our way is clear.. if someone gets in between just shot whoever it is..".

At that time Leon just wanted to save Kim, so he didn't chased after Helian because Kim was in critical condition.

As Kim state weakly "I don't think I can make it.. if I die today please take of Chay for me"

"Don't speak Mr Kim.. you have to live for.." Leon paused and continued "Chay..for us.. just hold yourself little longer" Leon said with his heavy heart and continued while helping Kim to walk out "I brought some of my Russian men with me.. others will be safe don't worry"

Kim hummed and state "yeah I knew..i choose the right person.." but inner Leon just said that -you never choose me..it was always Chay-

As Leon was really hurting to see Kim in this state, he wished he should have reached little earlier, Leon took the another way, as he don't have time to fight against others because for Leon, Kim's safety is his first priority. As they got inside the car, the factory explode and Kim state weakly to Leon "Leon if I - I ~" but before completing his sentence Kim felt unconscious.

Leon ordered his guard "drive to the nearest hospital..", as he felt the driving is slow "I said.. drive fast..", and the men on the driver seat state "but Mr Leon it's raining..", Leon ordered coldly "did I asked.. just drive faster got it..".

They arrived the nearest hospital and they took him to emergency room, after cleaning his wounds, taking out the bullets and stitching, the doctor came out and Leon immediately went to the doctor and ask desperately "Doc.. how is he..", and the doctor replied "I have done everything I can, but I'm not sure when he'll get conscious because he got hit on the back side of his head, which isn't good.. we can only give surety after 1 hour.."

Leon wait for doctor's answer as told, the doctor came to Leon and said "Mr Leon.. there is a good news and bad news" Leon put a question mark on his face and the doctor continued "good news is that Mr Kim is out of danger but bad news...is that.. means the thing is that we don't know when he'll wake up.. because he went into come".

Leon widen his eyes and said "doc.. please try something.. and if you don't have the ability..than I can take him to another hospital.."

The doctor sighs and state "look Mr Leon.. even if you take him to another hospital.. it's no use ..the wound on his head made him went into coma.."

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