~•Night Walk•~

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First one shot :).
It was a peaceful night in Pulau Rintis, listening the crickets sounds including frogs outside the night is normal right? But ever heard of someone humming through this hour?

There we saw our elemental hero sitting at the edge of his house humming, don't know why he was there in the first place but that's not the case.

After fighting with Retak'ka 2 months ago, he was told to have a week rest on earth while the others will do his work, which he didn't agree but they forced him to.

BBB right now felt guilty for leaving everything to his friends while he just rest, it's unfair right? But to them, no it's not, he stopped humming when his watch glow, it shot out 7 coloured balls in the air, revealing his elementals

"Oh, hey guys, what do you-" before he could finish his sentence, he was tackled hug by the Duri, almost making him loose his balance "Ori! Why are you still awake?" He looked up with his big doe eyes, making BBB's heart tweaked

"Ah, Duri. Sorry, I couldn't fell asleep so I decided to come out here to see if it'll help," he said, Gempa came forward "You know you can ask our help, Ori. It's not good if you do it all by yourself," worriedly said, BBB could only smile "I know, but I don't want to trouble you guys with my own problem," he said while letting Duri's head, which made Taufan and Blaze pout in jealousy

"How about we go out for a walk? A stroll in a peaceful night can make your mind calm down," suggested from the genius himself which made the TTM agreed "If that's the case then sure, let's do it," BBB smiled and Duri release the hug

The elementals got down by jumping off the roof with BBB got the help of Taufan's wind sphere, they now started to walk in the streets silently, not trying to make some loud noises while the neighbours are sleeping

They also talk along the way to make the atmosphere not awkward, the TTM as we all know was getting into a car fight but Halilintar stopped them in time before some ruckus will happened, which made Gempa starting to scold them. BBB only chuckled at their 'childish behaviour' stuff

Gempa came beside BBB and tap his shoulder, which it did grab his attention "Yes, Gempa?" BBB ask while turning to the element "Ori, will you be okay? What if some aliens comes out of nowhere and attack us, are you aware of it?" BBB looked into Gempa's golden eyes, he then smiled "If it happens to be the usual ones, then I don't care," he replied

Gempa was confused on what he meant until a certain alien came into his thought "You mean Adu Du and Probe?" He ask and BBB nod "I count them as a neutral enemy, he can either be good or bad, that's his decision to do, it may seem hard because his mother always says that he needs to be evil because 'we aliens' stuff-" he does the 2 finger gesture making Gempa sweat drop "- But, even if you're an alien, you can still be a good one, like commander Koko Ci, he's also the same species as Adu Du and he's good, so yeah, I have no problem on seeing Adu Du and Probe around, even though they annoys me sometimes," BBB massage his head as Gempa only chuckles.

The walking was peaceful, only a small conversation to another can be heard from the elementals themselves, they then reach to the park, the TTM were playing around the park while Solar and Halilintar are watching over them

That leaves the other 3 Gempa, Ais and BBB, they were sitting under the tree watching over them, Ais was laying on BBB's lap while Gempa lays on his shoulder, BBB felt calm but still has an unsettling feeling.

He looked up into the sky, seeing so many stars and constellation, he closed his eyes, remembering the fight he had 2 months ago, it was a trauma to him, seeing his brothers got taken away from that monster was not a pleasant sight, he then cried. He starts to hear the screams of his brothers, full of pain, he also remembers Tok Kasa took Gempa from him, it didn't trauma him that much compared to Retak'ka's

He didn't realize that someone called him "Ri- Ori... Ori!" He snapped out, he looked around seeing Gempa calling him "Are you okay, Ori?" He ask worriedly to him "I'm okay," he replied as he wipped his tears, Gempa gave him a concerned face "I'd you keep lying to yourself, you'll feel guilty right?"

That made BBB stop his track, he turned away, not making eye contact with the said elemental, he heard him sigh "Ori, just tell me your problem, we will listen whatever you're trying to say," said Gempa giving him a warm smile, BBB leaned on the tree and let out a huge sigh

"Ever since the fight with Retak'ka, my health is getting a lot worse right?-" he earned a hummed from Gempa "-Well, the commander told me to take a week rest which I denied but my friends forced Ochobot to send me on earth, I never wanted to leave my friends doing all the work by themselves, it feels wrong... A team doing the work for their leader who just went back home to rest? That's unfair," heading made Gempa silent

Ais who heard everything woke up and turned to BBB "That's a sign that they care for you, they care about your physical health and your mental health at the same time, they do that just for you Ori," said Ais in a low voice, BBB hummed in reply "I do appreciate their helping but... It still feels wrong," with that, the 2 elementals hug him, making BBB gasp

"Just let them do your things while you rest, you still need to recover anyway, just enjoy your moments on earth with us, we're always be by your side," said Gempa. BBB let out a tear falling down his cheek, he hugs them back "Thank you guys..." With that, he started to fell asleep, soft snores can be heard from him

The 2 elemental release the hug and the others came back "Looks like Ori fell asleep, eh?" Said Taufan who was relieved to see his owner sleeping "Yea, let's head back," Gempa said as he got up "I'll carry, Ori!" Said Blaze excitedly as Gempa just sweat dropped and let him do his thing, Blaze then carries him on his back slowly and they went back home.

While on the way, Blaze could hear his owner mumbling something "Thank you... Brothers..." Blaze smiled upon hearing that, once they arrived at home, they went into the same window which Blaze needs a help of Taufan using his wind sphere go lift BBB up, which he did and place him on the bed

They all revert back into ball of lights and went inside his watch...
One shot #1: Complete

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