~•Bbb's Sick Day•~

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Enjoy reading~
• Contains a fake elemental [created by me :)]
• Twin Au
• They're in Laskar now
• Oc contain
There we saw our beloved elemental hero who is walking down the hallway with a girl who is taller than him with visors connected to a mic-speaker thing, wearing a coat that reaches to her hips with stripes like tigers, coloured purple yellow stuff with fake eats with speakers

"So Kisara, where exactly are you taking me?" You guessed it, the girls name Kisara walking with Bbb "You'll see~" she said in a teasing way, which made Bbb pout and cross his arms "Awe don't give me that look little star, you know I can't handle cute stuff,"

Kisara giggled seeing Bbb puff out his chubby cheeks [I'm going crazy literally TvT] Bbb only blushed in embarrassment, knowing Kisara's behaviour when she made contact with cute things.

When they reach to an unknown door, Kisara opened it, revealing huge room with a big telescope in the middle, the room was decorated with stars and galaxy stuff, making Bbb awed at the design "I recently just found out about this room and realize nobody use it anymore, so why not I let you come here and see for yourself," Kisara explained as he watches Bbb roaming around with stars in his eyes.

He goes up to the big telescope and uses it, seeing some zodiacs constellation "Wow... This is awesome! Thank you for bringing me here!" Bbb thanked as he gave a big smile, almost blinding Kisara, even though she's wearing visors 'So bright!' That's all she could think

"If you want to stay here longer then you may, I will be going because I still have some business to attend," with that being said, Kisara then left Bbb in the room for him to enjoy stargazing [might have to introduce Kisara to y'all next time bcs it contains an AU]

A few hours past and Bbb is still stargazing, he never moved an inch from the seat his sitting on and only continue watching the stars, he didn't notice someone came in which was his father Amato "So this is where you have been,"

That voice caught his attention so he turned to Amato "Ah sorry, did I stay for too long?" He got up walking up to him "You could probably say that," Amato chuckled as Mechabot who was mechanized to him just smiled [Mechabot smiling? I don't believe a bit] Bbb nervously laugh as he scratch his non-itchy cheeks, when suddenly an announcement was heard

"Attention to Bbb and his team! Please come to the controller room! I repeat, to Bbb and his team! Please come to the controller room!"

A voice of their Commander Koko Ci called the said gang, Amato looked up to his son and pat his shoulder "Go Bbb, the commander calls you," he said, Bbb nod and went ahead

At the controller room

When Bbb arrivee, he saw the gang had arrived too, he saw Rev and went beside him "We're here commander!" They all salute to commander and laksamana in front of them "You are given a mission to retrieve power sphere from his planet, planet Verglas," Koko Ci announced and shows a planet coloured icey blue in a hologram

"Planet Verglas is known to filled with thick snow and non-stop blizzard, the degrees is very low around -100°" Tarung explained which made them gulped their own saliva

"But commander, which power sphere are we retrieving?" Asked Yaya "You will retrieve power sphere, Icebot!" [Inspiration from the person I'll try to find] Commander replied "Icebot? Oh, a power sphere that can grant their owner/master the power of ice," [this is logic-] Bbb recalled back as Rev was proud of his intelligent

"Yes, now go! I already sent the coordinates to C. Papa!" Tarung shouted as the gang shivered and went out, except Rev, before he left, he sent a death stare to him "You have no rights to shout at them, especially Bbb..." He then went out, leaving them speechless

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